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I've only met this chick once but I hear she was a good person, so I won't be a dick this time.

")(i Aradia," Feferi chirps from across a dream bubble.
Aradia smiles a little and walks over, giving her a tender friend embrace. "Hey, Feferi. Your dead self is looking pretty good."
Feferi beams. "I guess all this aimless walking is good exercise!" Her smile falters a little. "I'm glad I ran into you. I kind of wanted to apologize."
"For what?" My homie asks, looking hella confused.
"For your boyfriend. I shouldn't have swooped in like that... I don't really even know what I was seeing in him..." Fef confesses.
Aradia smiles sheepishly. "Me neither. Especially when I see so much more in somebody else."
Feferi quirks an eyebrow. "Really? Who?"
Aradia gently kisses her. "You."
And then they lived happily ever after in the dream bubbles.

I feel kinda gross writing a serious one, but I couldn't like slander their names. At the same time though, it was kinda nice? Like maybe all my pent up relationship frustrations could be taken out in writing some serious shit. Pretty much because I know is never let my guard down enough to have something nice like this. So I guess I'll just let this notebook be my sanctuary from now on. I'll just keep it with me like I diary and write all my shitty fanfics in it.
Yeah, that sound like a plan.


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