sixty seven

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justinbieber: im sorry

justinbieber: all i can do is apologize

justinbieber: im famous audrey .. scandals are going to happen. it's on me to clear it up and for you to at least try to believe me

justinbieber: please don't leave just yet, can you wait until my rehearsal is over

audreybby: i wasn't planning on leaving until the end of this week ... avery got off work for only two weeks

justinbieber: so can we talk

audreybby: i feel like im being a bit dramatic about this but i just don't want to get hurt

justinbieber: i understand ... but i won't hurt you. i never want to hurt you

audreybby: go rehearse before scooter tries some shit and i have to beat his ass

justinbieber: but we were talking

audreybby: i'll be waiting for you ...

audreybby: naked

justinbieber: god you're going to be the death of me


the rest of rehearsal i didn't speak to scooter. i danced with the choreographer and the backup dancers until it was time to go. while i was leaving is when scooter put his hand on my shoulder, and i shrugged it off. "you can be mad at me all you want, you're obviously more focused than before, so i was right."

"we're still together, scott." i say. when i get to my car, i heard him call my name but i didn't listen. i pulled off as soon as i could, pulling my phone out at a stoplight. of course it was scooter calling me so i answered it just to get it over with. "i don't care."

"i was going to apologize, but okay."

"your apology isn't going to makeup for her almost leaving me, scooter. hailey admitted to what happened and audrey still didn't believe me." i say. "i'm lucky she even wants to talk to me."

"i've never seen you on your knees for a girl like this until now. you weren't even like this for selena, usually you wouldn't care." i hang up on him. i don't know what the fuck he was trying to do but it wasn't working.


i don't know where im going with this lol

but what's a good exercise to lose weight in my thighs and stomach ?

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