fifty two

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why tf is everyone bugging about audrey's armpits in chapter 10 evERYONE FUCKING HAS THEM FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE 🙂🙂🙂


i sat on the beach towel, watching as maejor and avery flirted non-stop. it made me think of me and audrey and why she refused to talk about our feelings but we just fucked twice.

"you look deep in thought." audrey's voice startled me as she sat down and handed me whatever drink she had gotten.

"seriously, are we ever going to talk about us?" i at her. "you know i want you to be mine and not just for sex. i want to tell my fans who you are, i hate keeping secrets from them."

"i understand, but what happened to not wanting a relationship?"

"tour doesn't start until march and you can come on tour with me. avery can too if she wants." i say, putting my drink down, hoping someone didn't kick sand into it.

"i really like you justin, but are you sure you want to be with me ... for me?" she asks, me feeling horrible that she was asking this question.

"yes, i like you for you." i admit, smiling. "if i didn't, i wouldn't have posted that video about a girl i met over the internet."

she just nods. we didn't speak after that, we just sat there in silence. it was until she turned around, then hit my shoulder. "there's a lot of fucking paparazzi."

"now's our chance to go public." i say. "kiss me right now."

"no, i d-"

"audrey, kiss me."

she leans down, me cupping her face. i could hear the clicks of the paparazzi even over the sound of the waves crashing which meant they were going crazy. audrey starts laughing, "i don't think they know who i am, which is a good thing."

"i'm posting a picture of you on instagram." i smile, and she just rolls her eyes. "i don't have to if you don't want me to."

"just know, if your fans come at me the wrong way for this, i might have to hurt their feelings." she says, as i scroll through my camera roll finding a picture of her.

i know how my beliebers can get so i just shrugged it off, "do what you have to do."


i need a plot for a story with a plus sized girl ... im on serious writers block rn

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