Boys and Cars

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Maya and the others were promptly shown to their rooms upon Mrs. Fitzpatrick's dismissal, and Annelise became a flurry of activity as she ripped open their suitcases. The boys wisely, and very quietly, excused themselves for dinner. "Red is a good color on you, but only if it has cool undertones," the blonde muttered under her breath.

Maya sat on the plush bed, letting out a long, content sigh. "I wonder the dinner guests are." She leaned back on her elbows, absentmindedly kicking her feet up and down. "Where do you think we should start looking for clues? The gallery, obviously, bu-"

"Maya! We don't have long!" Annelise turned away from the suitcase, her arms full of make-up and hair products. She strode to the bathroom and spread her arsenal along the counters, studying her reflection in the mirror,  face pinched in concentration. "I have the perfect dress for you, Maya! Oh my god, this is going to look so good on you!"

"A dress? But that means I have to shave my legs." Maya whined.

"Well, that's a sacrifice you're going to have to make. I'll let you shower first."


Maya walked by Alex as they walked to the dining room. He had changed into a sharp navy blazer and dress pants, his pale blue button up matching his eyes. She was in a red, fitted lace dress that ended above her knees, and she hadn't miss the way his eyes lingered on her when he'd come to escort the girls to dinner. His gaze wasn't sexual in any way. It didn't bother or fluster her. It was a look of appraisal.....a challenge, almost.

Robbie and Annelise walked behind them, nudging each other as they flirted and giggled amid hushed conversation.

"I'm sorry if my mother offended you in anyway. She's very frank." Alex's pinky brushed the palm of her right hand. "She likes you, really." She could smell his cologne.

"Not at all." Maya smiled politely, leaning discreetly away from him. "Do you have any idea who the guests are?"

Alex stiffened slightly. "I've got a vague idea, though I'm not sure." They reached a grand set of double doors. Alex reached for the ornate handle, placing his other hand on Maya's lower back. "Please," he gestured for her to go in.

Catching his eyes once more and tossing her long dark hair over her shoulder, she strutted into the grand room. The room is near the front of the house, she noted. She could see the gravel driveway, the lush trees, and the statuesque marble fountain that graced the front lawn from the windows that lined the wall. A table set for 10 sat in the middle of the room, fine china and a beautiful glass centerpiece adorning it. Easy chairs and sofas were clustered around the ornate fireplace at the back of the room, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick rose from her seat here.

"Maya! Come, meet Adrian and Rebecca Ramirez. Rebecca is Alex's cousin; my brother adopted her when she was a baby, so the children grew up together," she continued, smiling affectionately at the dark-skinned woman. "And Adrian, her handsome husband, works with Alex."

Maya smiled at the couple, noticing that though Rebecca smiled easily and warmly, Adrian seemed guarded. "Hello, I'm Maya Patel, I'm Alex's..." the others came up behind her,"..well, I'm working with him, too."

"Trying to recover the paintings, I suppose?" Rebecca spoke gently with an allure that made her seem trustworthy. "And you two must be Robbie and Annelise. It's a pleasure to meet you. And, how are you, Cousin?"

Alex's earlier tension seemed to have dissipated, and he moved forward with a bright grin to kiss her on the cheeks before greeting Adrian as well. "No Charles?" he questioned hopefully.

"Why, missed him? Don't worry, he'll be here soon." Adrian said teasingly, before adding, "And do try to behave, Alex. I'd like to enjoy this dinner."

Maya glanced at Robbie, but he shrugged, clueless.

"Well, shall we wait for him then?" Mrs. Fitzpatrick moved towards the sofas, taking a sip from her champagne flute.

A car engine purred outside, its headlights shining through the windows. "No need, he's here." Alex remarked sourly.


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