Hello Kitty and Acting Majors

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He had been walking around the Windy City for about four hours now, and the telltale pounding of a migraine had already appeared at his temples. Insomnia wasn't the reason for his wandering; no, the heir of the Fitzpatrick Industries prized his downtime before all else. He was resolute, a man on a mission. When his mother called a week ago, close to tears, telling him of how the police had yet to recover her prized art collection even a month and half after the theft, his jaw had actually dropped open. And nothing broke his indifferent facade. Nothing. There was a reason he was his fraternity's reigning poker champion after all. However, he had been baffled that the all-powerful Jillian Fitzpatrick was so incredibly upset over a set of paintings.

"Oh, Alex, darling!" She had sighed. "I am just so distraught by this all! My Monets, Van Goghs, Picassos, and even my originals!" He didn't say it, but he had been confused as to why anyone would want to steal artwork by his mother. Though she was at the forefront of the business world, she had little talent when it came to the fine arts. But when he found out why she was so upset, those paintings were suddenly worth more than several Mona Lisas.

Sighing, he gulped down some more of his diet Coke just as his phone buzzed. It was 2 in the morning, he noted as he unlocked his it. Robbie Zhang had texted him.

A, where are you?

Robert Li Zhang. The underestimated master hacker and prized Apple employee that had graduated high school four years early (essentially before even going) and was now working on his post-graduate studies at the age of eighteen. And still living with his parents. Living the dream, Man, he had said when Alexander had first met him.

Recruiting, Alex replied briefly before slipping his phone back into his pocket. Pushing open the glass door, he walked into the dimly lit restaurant and claimed his seat at the sports bar. The bartender was listening sympathetically to a slender blonde in Hello Kitty pajamas whose body was wracked with sobs.

"AND THEN, HE SAID- you know what he said, Phil?" She wailed. "HE SAID NO! Can you believe the nerve of the guy? So I'm like, 'Fine I guess'- and by now I was crying, Phil- 'I guess the last two years meant nothing to you, then.'" Hiccup. "And that-that-that DEVIL, he said no again! Well I told him he could keep the cat and the coffee tables for all I cared, 'cause I didn't want anything his VILE self had bought. And then I THREW my wedding ring at him!" Still sniffling, she turned to Alex. Looking at him with teary eyes surrounded in smudged black makeup and trails of mascara running down her dark cheeks, she slumped against the bar, supporting herself with one hand on the side of her face. Her hair sat in impeccable curls, though. He almost chuckled at the comical sight before him. The Hello Kitty on her right sleeve had turned black from her wiping at her tears, and she pouted. "What's my problem? Why am I so unhappy?!"

Bemusedly, Alex answered, "You're going through a divorce. Don't worry, you'll pull through. You sound like an independent woman."

"Really?" She sniffled again. "You think so, stranger?"

Her demeanor changed in the blink of an eye as he nodded.

Straightening up, and winking at him jovially, she said, "Good, that's the character I was trying to portray. I'm an acting major, you see. This was a class exercise." She grabbed a napkin from a nearby dispenser and pulled out a compact mirror, wiping away the runny mascara and smudged eyeliner. "But if you think that was good, you should see my roommate. She's almost as good as me. Almost. Phil, a glass of water please?" She applied a coat of lip gloss and smacked her lips together, appraising herself in the small mirror. "But it's a waste of talent. She's a Criminal Justice major. She wants to be a detective." Daintily drinking the water Phil had obligingly brought, she eyed Alex suspiciously. "Who are you anyway?"

"Alexander Fi- Fitz. I'm a business major." He thought it best not to reveal the whole of his identity just yet. However, having an actress and a detective on his team sounded promising.

"Alex. Hmm. Posh. And English? I'm Annelise Williams." Looking at herself from different angles in the mirror, she added offhandedly, "Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Williams. Perhaps I could treat you and your roommate to a coffee tomorrow."

Snapping her compact shut, she leaned towards him, batting her eyelashes. "I only drink Starbucks. Mr. Fitz."

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