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20th July, 1995.

It was raining.

In fact, it was a thunderstorm.

The thunder was like ten million drum sets in the sky, all thumping out different tunes simultaneously. The lighting streaked down dangerously, continuous smears of light in the deadly dark sky. The rain thrashed the small, desolate beach, whipping up the waves to giant heights.

And in the distance, three figures, making their way across the beach.

They walked side by side. Their sinister dark cloaks shrouded their bodies, blowing occasionally in the fierce wind. Their hoods were drawn right over their eyes. Each step they made was in perfect harmony; never a trip, never a stumble. Just a steady beeline across the shore.

Without warning, they stopped walking and turned to face the howling sea. The spray of foam splashed over them, but they stayed in their spots, eyes trained on the horizon. Waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, a fierce bright light filled the sky. It was as if someone had moved the sun straight in front of the three people; it broke through the clouds like a knife breaks through butter. It surrounded the whole shoreline, encapsulating the three people in its otherworldliness.

The rain and clouds soon began to part, the light retreating to form a tunnel-like structure leading from the sky to a patch of sand just in front of the three figures. There was a loud whooshing sound, and a streak of pure, rich lavender spun down the tunnel and landed on the beach.

The middle figure held up their arms and shouted something to the wind; then the bright lights disappeared and the clouds submerged the beach once more.

The three figures stood unnervingly still for a few minutes. Then, slowly, the middle one stepped towards the spot where the lavender glow was last seen. They stepped closer and closer, only to discover that...

The lavender had gone.

And in its place was...

A small child.

Barely more than a couple of days old, her tiny body was wrapped up in dozens of soft, cozy blankets. The person closest to her bent down and picked her up gently, shielding her from the strong winds and the harsh cold. They then walked back towards the other two people.

"It is a girl," the person holding the baby observed. "Just as the prophecy said."

Suddenly, the little baby stirred. She yawned, her petite little mouth opening for what might have been the first time. Her eyes opened sleepily to reveal two beautiful irises, coloured the shade of soft lavender.

The figure on the right gasped.

"It is true," they said. "She is truly what we have been searching for."

Her small hands clutched a note tightly. The figure on the left reached for it and gently tugged it out of her grasp. They opened it and read out what it contained.

Her given names are Demetria Rosalinde.

Her date of birth was the 13th of July, in the year 1995.

Treat her well. Or else the forces of truth will come down upon you.

The person scrunched up the paper. Then they all turned and walked off the beach.

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