Important Notice: Sorry guys...

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Hey guys...

So I was thinking (always a dangerous pasttime) and I was planning chapter two of Universe, when I realised:

I'm gonna need a lot of planning.

I'm sorry, but if I want this book to turn out the way I want it, I'm going to need to pause it and start planning...

I know you guys don't understand... I mean it's only the second chapter! But I need to get everything sorted out in my head before I can start to sort it out on paper.

So, my plan is to keep writing Stones, and whenever I get the chance, I will plan plan planny plan Universe.

And once Stones is (hopefully) finished, I'll start fully concentrating on Universe.

It might be a while, but it'll be worth it once I get it started back up again, I promise.

Please forgive me, and tune in in a couple of days; a new chapter of Stones will be up by then. I swear it. 

Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2011 ⏰

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