Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Brittany P.O.V)

-----Time skip- right before the fight-----

I put my headphones on so I can get in my zone. I'm playing the loudest song on my phone which is, 'Pick Up The Phone' by Falling In Reverse. This song is blocking people out and helping me get my angry up for my fight. Also nobody is to mess with me during this time or they will be punched.

'(Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system)


(Please record your message)


Pick up the phone

Answer your text

Well, I apologize last night

I really did not man to disrespect


You better be alone

No I'm not obsessed

But if you catch you with somebody else

You know that I am gonna be upset

I truly believe that the reason I'm here

Is to late to tell the truth that your ending is near

Oh, One day you must look at yourself in the mirror

I still don't think that you are hearing me clear

You must understand that our friendship is done

Justified by the person that you have become

And because of the fact that enough is enough

Now that I'm the one that is holding the gun!


This will be the end of us

I have tried way too many times to heal

I have loved you so much it hurts me dear

And this, this will be the end of us

Pick up the phone

Pick up the phone

Pick up the phone

Well, I apologize about last night

I really did not mean to disrespect

Pick yourself up

Up off the floor

Wipe the tears from off your face

Because the cops are knock--'

That's when somebody tapped my shoulder so I turned around not even looking at the face, I punched the person. I looked up to see my bully. Great punched the bully in the face. He really truly must be new. I pull my headphone to where they are around my neck.

I look at him and say, 'Are you stupid and did nobody tell you happens?'

'I'm not stupid and when what happens?'

'You are not suppose to mess with me when I have my headphones on. Now please will you leave me alone?'

'Why shouldn't I mess with you? You are a tiny girl that probably wouldn't put me on my back?'

'Just know, next time I won't be That easy on you.'

I turned and walked away, leaving him with a confused look on his face. Priceless! I pull the headphones back to my ears to listen to music more. The song has changed to 'Never the Same' by Ronnie Radke. This song Ronnie wrote when he went to jail because he was accused of beating his girlfriend. his girlfriend only did that because they broke up.

'That's the price of fame

I sold my soul into a ball of flame

That ball of flame is what keeps me lit, spill my heart in every bar and every line I spit

When the camera clicks and they're snapping picks, this is everything that I'm mentioning

This is the moment, I'll never let go of it, ready or not I'm a bout to take over

Paparazzi---' I felt another tap on my shoulder and it Brandon.

'Yes Brandon?'

'Your fight is in a few minutes.'

'Do you know who it's against?'

'From what I hear its a new guy.'

'Okay, he probably wouldn't come after I'm done with this fight.'

'Do try and not scare him off.'

'Okay. I will try my hardest not to.'

I put my hood up and start walking toward the ring. They had to out up a chain fence because someone was saying that girls couldn't fight, so what I did is prove hime wrong by fighting him til he was almost knocked out and then threw him over the side of the ring. So for that not to happen again, they put up a chain fence around the outside of the ring and high enough so that I couldn't toss anybody else over the edge.

Well once in the ring, I turned to where my face was against thee chain. I do this so my opponent doesn't know who I am until the fight begin and everyone know why I do this and they scream my name. I feel their excitement. I nod my head and the ref say begin.

Turning I notice that right now, I'm fighting my bully. Well shits about to go down. He doesn't know who I am so I could beat his ass and he wouldn't know. Right punch, blocked. Right hook, blocked. He really has no skill. I wonder what gym he goes and practices at because I sure as hell, it wasn't here. Left punch, right punch. right uppercut. Damn he is completely off balance. Something I do that's my final punch is, Left sucker punch, down he goes. My fights don't last long because of how hard my punches are.

Once the person is down, I climb up to the top of the chain fence and jump down and everyone parts and waits for me to hit the ground and to start saying congrats. Then I realize, I just knocked out my high school bully that didn't know that it was me.

I go to Brandon to get my money. $3500. Not bad. That's my life, he ruined my high school career by bullying me and he was taught something by me even if he didn't know who it was. I really didn't enjoy him being in my gym. Yes my gym, I own about half of

gym because Brandon was watching me and saw how much I liked it here.

Well my fight is done. I have my money and I'm out the door and heading home. Thinking about my bully and wondering if he recognized me. I am scared that if he did, my secret is going to not be a secret anymore.


I walk up to my room and literally jump into bed. My life is too much for me right now. My bully, fighting, school, and most important keeping this secret from my mom. She doesn't know about my fighting. She thinks I'm going to a book club at the county library. She is too clueless to my life. If you are wondering where my dad is, well lets just say he walked out my life a long time ago. I hated him since I found out he left my mom. He is going to be dead if I find him one day. That was my finally thought before sleep took over my body.

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