Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Britt's P.O.V


'This can't be your. This has has to belong to someone else.'

'No it's mine.' I say getting out the helmet from under the seat. 'I have things to do. Back away.' I say getting on and puttinng my helmet on on. I see him back away as I turn it on. I look to see his face and his jaw is on the floor. Proved him wrong.

----Recap Over----

I'm thinking about what happened today and I have no idea why these things happen to me. This guy needs to know his place in that school or as somene where he needs to be. I have sat at that table since freshman year and people know not to sit there. I am wondering why he did but let's hope tomorrow he doesn't.

On my drive home, I decided that I was gonna make a detour to the mall. I need some new shoes for training and also i might stop at the dealership to look at some more cars. I make enough to get a new car or truck depending on what I want to get.

----At the Mall----

I go into a bunch of different shops and i'm trying to find the perfect outfit for tomorrow so that guy can learn his place. I want him to try and understand who runs the school. I fucking do. I am looking through the shops not finding anything tha catches my eye until I pass this dress shop. I see this red bodycon dress and I go in to get it. I'm in love with this. I find my size and take it to the cashier and she give me this look. I already know what she is going to ask me.

'Do you have enough for this?'

'Yes, I do. So will you bag this dress up and let me pay?' I say wiith an annoyed tone.

'$350' She says.

'Here.' I hand her $400 and tell her to keep the change. She just stares at me with a suprised expression.

I walk out of the shop and then to a shoe shop to find the perfect shoes to go along with the dress.

I am searching and searching until I see a pair of heels in the window of this shop. I love this and I can use these for a lot. I walk over grab my size and the walk to othe cashier again. But this time they don't say anything but the price.


I hand them the money and walk out. I have the outfit for tomorrow and I know the car I'm gonna drive too.

I'm at my motorcycle and lift the seat to put the dress and the shoes in there as I drive home.

----At Home----

I pull into the garage and put my motorcycle to the side so I can pull out my 69 Chevy Camaro to be washed. I run up to my room with my dress and shoes in hand to lay them out for tomorrow. I put on my workout clothes so I can be comfy while I wash my car.

I'm running to the garage to pull out the things I need. Bucket, soap, hose, towels, wax, and tire shiner. I do this checklist in my head and then start to wash my car. I wash the car in small sections so there isn't any soap marks. I'm done the wash and then I start dying it. I use the towels to dry once that's done, I use the wax. I have done this so many times that it's done in about a hour. At first it took my 4 hours. So I'm improved a lot.

I'm done all this and I hear a car pull into the driveway. Who the fuck is this?! I look to see and it's the guy from eariler.

'What do you want?' I say annoyed.

'I wanted to try and make some friends and I asked someone where you lived and came here to see if you wanna be friends.' He says really fast.

'Well...' I say waiting for a name.


'Well Enzo, If you really want to make friends, hang out with someone that wants to make friends because I don't. Nor do I want to make any either. So please leave and don't come back.' I say and turn around to head into my house.

I am also at my garage when he grabs my hand and turns me to face him. 'Please I'm new and I really need a friend. Could you at least give me a chance?' He says with a million dollar smile.

'Ugh. Fine but you have to earn my trust and that is gonna be hard.'

'Okay. Thanks...' He paused waiting for me to say my name.


'Thanks Britt. See you tomorrow.'

Boy is tomorrow going to be painful.

----The Next Morning----

I wake up to my alarm and start getting ready. I'm going to school in style and also gonna look sexy for everyone to see. I can't wait for everyone to see this car because this is the first time I'm driving it to school. I really hope no one hits or dings my baby.

I go into the bathroom and put on my makeup and do my hair. Then I put on the dress. This dress is tight and shows off my nice ass. I hope this makes Enzo jealous. Wait.... Back the fuck up. Why would I want to make that boy jealous? Never fucking mind. I just continue getting ready. (outfit on side)

I go downstairs with my phone in hand and out the front door to my perfect looking car. I quickly hop into the car and play my music and the song is "Territorial Pissing". I turn my key and start my car now. I roll my widows down and turn my radio all the way up. These bitches at the school need to knoow who the fuck I am.

----Pulling into the Parking Lot----

The song is still playing as I pull into my spot at the front of the school, roll my windows up (btw this windows are tinted so no one can see inside), turn off the car, and I'm about the step out of the car with my phone in hand. It's like in slow motion. I love it. I start to hear whispers from boys and girls.

'wow what a slut.' 'i'd bang.' 'damn, let me get you from behind.' There was one in particular that stood out. 'damn Britt you know how to fucking turn a guy on with that ass.' I ignore every single one of those comment and just walk into the school .

I'm in the school when I hear my name so I turn  and see Enzo running to me.

'Damn Britt, you know how to clean up.' Then he gets close to my ear and says. 'You are really sexy today.'

I pull my face away and see that he is smirking. I have a shocked look on my face. He just didn't fucking say that to me. He does look kinda cute today. Wait, back up again. Wht is wrong with my thought? I haven't even really talked to this guy and I think he's cute. What's wrong with me?

This is gonna be a long and stressful day. I can already tell.

David's P.O.V

Damn Britt. You are someone that I want to bang. I know that you might not like me but really could you try and like me. I need to know if you really are a fighter and want to join my group of friends. We also would look sexy together. You make me want to lost my mind. 

Enzo's P.O.V

Damn this girl is sexy. I wish that she could get to know the real me and not the one I show at school. She needs to understand what she puts me through. I just don't want her to not understand me and my family business. God I hope that she will understand. 

----Author's Note----

Sorry that I took forever to update this but I never knew what to write but I figured it out. I wanted to add Enzo to make the story interesting and add a kinda mess to things. I have a plan for this book and it's gonna take some time. I want to make a love triangle so please work with me. I added thought of David and Enzo so tell me what you think. I also don't know if those are okay so please tell me. Please be patient because I'm working 2 jobs and work all day so I don't have much time. So sorry again and please vote and comment feedback on what should happen.

Love ya,

The Author

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