Their journey of love...

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Love is such a merry-flowery thing. Yet their journey of love was the hardest it could ever be. It was anything but easy. It was filled with ups and downs. It was filled with stone-cold, rough patches. The roads were cracked, the passers-by were judgemental, infact at times they couldn't trust themselves.

It wasn't just that one bet that was a bump; there were many more. Hardin hurt Tessa in the most unexceptable ways. But the truth is, after changing for Tessa, he never wanted to hurt her. It was just the thought that she deserved someone better; someone like Noah; someone like her: all pretty and perfect; and not like Hardin: all inked in black...

Amidst all these problems, that had the potentials of breaking even the most perfect couple, they made it out alive... with one another, for one another; with just the support of their love.

They were never perfect... they were just perfectly imperfect. They were polar opposites... yet they couldn't resist each other.

Yes, it was their love that became their biggest wrecking ball. They loved each other so much , that they just assumed that they didn't deserve each other.

But then it was Tessa who was indeed for Hardin; and it was Hardin who was truly for Tessa.

No matter how many heartbreaks... no matter how many lies... no matter how many betrayals... no matter how many rough turns...they held each other; they were together through it all.

Writers generally use a semi- colon (;), where they could have very well ended the sentence by using a full-stop (.), but they chose not to.

Hardin and Tessa's love story was a big semi-colon. They could have given up... Tessa could have given up on Hardin and they could have ended it all. They could have put a long awaited full-stop, but they chose not to.

They accepted each other with all of their flaws, and thereby accepted themselves.

They loved each other so much that they both chose to overcome all of their issues, all of their insecurities, all of their sour past.

As I said, their journey was anything but perfect. There were many gaps to be bridged, but they chose the imperfections over the perfections. They chose one another over anything else.

They might not be made for each other in heaven, but their love had the capability of changing the decisions made up there.

When no one could see anything of them, they saw everything in each other.



I am the last person falling into that cliché-romantic melodrama. That is far beyond my type of thing.

Yet AFTER was and is something different. It was and is, far from those perfect fairy-tales.

AFTER is the kind of love-story that I want.

If there is anything beyond eternity, then it truly is HESSA.
∞ ∞

Hey there!
So the end is close...
I will be leaving an author's note at the end to tell you peeps what's next.
Until then PLEASE...

Okay bye

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