Chapter 7

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A girl that looked exactly like Misaka Mikoto sat on a bench somewhere in a hospital. Every aspect of her looked like Mikoto, even the clothing, however she wore a set of military-like goggles on her forehead. She also had a silver necklace strung around her neck. This is Misaka Imouto, a military clone of Misaka Mikoto in the Level 6 shift project, which involved the deaths of over 10,000 clones in attempt to bring Accelerator to the unknown Level 6. But the illusions of that screwed up plan was shattered by none other than a certain spiky haired level 0.

"Misaka has come to confirm that the Last Order has been taken, says Misaka 10032 as she expresses her concern across the network."

"Yes, the invaders of Academy City have succeeded in doing so, says Misaka 10342 confirming the question."

"Is it clear on what their objective is? Asks Misaka 19090"

"No, but we must be sure if they plan on taking over the network, says Misaka 14050 worriedly."

" We will do what we can to protect ourselves, says Misaka 19090"

"Agreed." Said countless other Sisters across the network.

"All units in Academy City: find and engage the enemy, says Misaka 18945."

"It has already been reported that the Accelerator has already begun combat with the enemy, informs Misaka 10032."

"We should assist Accelerator in battle, suggests Misaka 14050."

"No, we will only get in the way if we attempt to aid Accelerator's in close quarter combat, states Misaka 10032 as she remembers her past experience with Accelerator."

"Then, what can be done? Asks Misaka 19090."

"Perhaps we can aid in the retrieval of Last Order while Accelerator is in battle, suggests Misaka 10032."

"Sounds good to me, says Misaka 14050 nodding her head in agreement."

"That is a good plan, says Misaka 18945."

"The conflict concerning Last Order is in District 6, informs Misaka 19090 using the Misaka Network to track down Accelerator's location."

"Understood, all units in Academy City, report to District 6, says Misaka 10032."

"...P-please... he-elp..., begs MISAKA as M-MISAKA s-sstruggles t-t-to remain in control off-f the Network..."

As the sun began to set in the horizon, Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto had finally reached Komoe Sensei's house. Styil layed prostrate on the ground, still unconscious.

"Styil!" Shouted Touma running up to his unconscious body.

He started shaking his shoulders trying to wake him.

"Styil! Wake up Styil! What happened!"

Styil's eyes fluttered slightly, then barely opened enough for you to see the color of his eyes.

"Styil, you're alive. What happened, who did this!?" Pressed Touma.

"You..." he gritted his teeth, "you fool, you were... s-suppose-d to prot-ect her- You're too late... She's already gone... He took... her... Even with my Incocentius" He muttered.

"Who took her!?" Pressed Touma

Styil could not answer. He was too exhausted and passed out again.

"... I couldn't protect her... I was too late, this is my fault" Touma thought to himself. "If only I was here sooner."

"OI! Touma!"

Touma looked up to see Mikoto waving at him from the house.

"Come take a look!"

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