Chapter 14

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"Haaaaaaaiiiiiiii!" shouted Tsuchimikado.

He brought up his hands from his back revealing several plane tickets to Switzerland.

"Those are..."

"Yep, plane tickets to Switzerland for you and your lover! Who knew or unfortunate Kami-yan would wind up with a girl first."

"Oi, Tsuchimikado, she is not my lover! She's just helping me. (Though I'd prefer she hadn't forced herself into this mess)."

"Anyways, Stiyl will be riding with me. And Accelerator will fly on another plane!"

"Wait, Accelerator?"

"You didn't hear? He'll be tagging along since they took something very special of his."


The door to Touma's dorm opened from behind. Styil walked out into the hallway joining the conversation while lighting a smoke.

"Ah, Stiyl, you're just in time. We now know the Vatican's plan. They want to start an artificial Armageddon, the end of the world as you know it." Tsuchimikado said casually. "They need Index since she has a specific grimoires known as "The Book of Ends". But they can't use her without Last Order. The Vatican needed the control of the Misaka Network to shut down all the sisters. If they do that, then AIM fields all around the world will disappear, allowing them to activate Armageddon, thus ending the world. Switzerland is also the only country without any Sisters in it due to their neutral state, making it the perfect place for them to start the spell."

"Why do they need Last Order?"

"The spell they are using requires a vast amount of earth energy, but its properties are a little different the Feng Sui. It brings the earth alive with God's might, but if the earth is to use magic, any AIM fields will intercept it causing it to fail in that particular spot. The spell also has a long activation time, so we will use that to destroy its structure before they can succeed. After activating the spell, Academy City and Vatican Square will most likely be the only two remaining powers. After this, they're hoping Academy City will collapse internally by itself from the instability."

"So basically... if they succeed, there will most likely be two superpowers left, but they want absolute control," Touma assumed.

"Yes, like Yin and Yang. The natural order of things likes to stay balanced. That's how the universe is meant to be, but sick bastards who are stuck on seeking more power can't seem to understand that." Tsuchimikado replied. He looked at his watch, then back to Touma. "Kami-yan, your plane leaves in an hour. Get ready. There will be taxi waiting for you outside." Tsuchimikado handed him two tickets. "Come Stiyl."

Stiyl Magnus and Tsuchimikado left the scene. Touma entered his dorm room to see Mikoto right behind the door eavesdropping on the conversation.

"You heard everything?"

Mikoto nodded her head

Touma rapidly packed his bag, stuffing them with his clothes. Mikoto changed back into her Tokiwadai uniform while Touma wore a casual T shirt and black pants. Touma zipped up the bag and made sure he had the plane tickets.

"Oi, Mikoto. It'd be better if you hold on to these, knowing my misfortune." He handed Mikoto the plane tickets. He grabbed the bag and pulled up the handle for rolling.

"Let's go."

Touma and Mikoto hurry out of the room. They had 45 minutes left before their plane leaves.

They reach the dorm's parking lot to see a single black sedan with a hired chauffeur.

"Kamijou-san?" Asked the driver.

"Yes." He replied quickly throwing his bag to the driver. Touma and Mikoto jumped into the back seat of the car while the chauffeur helped put the bag into the trunk. The car started up and zoomed off into the direction of the airport.

Misaka Mikoto and kamijou Touma made it to the airport on time, but still need to go through the long tiring security check. Mikoto walked through it fine, but for some reason, Touma kept being stopped. Eventually the airport security decided to do a full body pat down. A creepy looking man put on some rubber gloves and began to pat him down. Touma had an awful expression on his face as the security patted lower and lower.

After realizing that Touma didn't have any violent objects, they let them through. The two ran to their gateway and took their seats.

"Seating 6, please get your tickets ready and prepare to board the plane." Said a soft voice.

Mikoto pulled out the tickets and walked up to the line forming to enter the plane. Touma followed behind and they entered the plane. Touma put his bag into a compartment and sat next to Mikoto.

"Haaa, we actually made it," Touma smiled.

Mikoto nodded her head in agreement and stared out the plane window.

Everyone boarded the plane to Switzerland and buckled up. A flight attendant walked into the middle of the row and began stating the safety procedures if there is to be a plane crash. Then the pilot told everyone to put away all electronic devices and turn them off.

Touma turned to Mikoto and patted her head.

"What are you doing?"

"He said turn off all electronic devices."

Mikoto glared at him and quickly took his hand off from her head, but inside, Mikoto was blushing.

The parts on the wings moved and the engines began to start up. They moved forward slowly and turned onto the run way. The plane stopped for period of time, then began to pick up a lot of speed. The front of the plane eventually lifted off and the ascended diagonally into the air. Mikoto sat back into her chair and relaxed a little.

In a hospital room, Abbondino lied on his bed. He had an IV attached to his arm and an EKG monitoring his vitals. He was still a sleep from exhaustion from using Angel Michael to fight Touma, Mikoto, Tsuchimikado and Awaki.

In the hallway, footsteps were heard. A man in a black suit with a cross hanging down his neck entered the room. He walked up to Abbondino's bed and looked down at him. The mysterious man looked at the IV connected to his arm and opened it. He took out a bottle of a clear fluid and dumped its content into the bag. In less than a minute, Abbondino convulsed violently and his breathing became irregular. The man in the suit said, "You served us well, Abbondino. But now you are a threat to us and a hindrance."

Heaven Canceller ran into the room, to see a dead body on the bed, foaming at the mouth. The EKG showed a flat line and created a loud high pitch beep

Chapter end

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