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And if they slap you on one cheek, turn the other.

"I was dead?"
"Yes, you died Toby"
"Hahaha", Ado was the one laughing now.
Toby continued, " there is no way falling from a tree can kill any man, coward."
"You guys don't get me, do you? I just had a very terrible dream and see the way you are joking with this. "I blabbed, getting annoyed." You think it is funny huh? "
The shriek in my voice got their attention now.
" Okay we get you dreamer. Let's just pray it doesn't happen. "Ado spoke.
" Yeah, let's pray", Toby added, still fidgeting.
For the next five minutes or so, no one said a thing. We walked to the borehole in silence, the only thing making noise been the clanging of Toby's steel bucket as he swung it. "What will you be doing for the rest of the day, Toby?" Ado broke the silence, on purpose.
"Nothing much. I was thinking about going bird hunting later today.. ",his eyes found mine.
".. But after what your brother just said I think I would just go to Frimpong's house. Toby added with a whimper.
" Since when did you become friends with that arrogant boy? "it was my turn to speak.
" Since I decided to start hanging out with him. What is your problem anyway?",Toby retorted.
"So-r-ry, I didn't know we are fighting now."
The silence ensued once again until we finally got to the borehole. There were quite a handful of people there when we arrived. We turned our buckets and sat on them as we waited our turn. No one had still said a thing.
The sun was making way now and the temperature was rising steadily.
"We need to get this over with before the sun comes at us in full force." After Ado spoke, he stood up to stretch. "I am feeling a little drowsy." We pretended we didn't hear a thing he was saying.
"Hello, did you guys hear me? I said I'm feeling dizzy",Ado said, snapping his fingers in font of our faces.
"Okay. What did you expect us to say or do? "I asked bluntly.
" Oh! Okay" Ado sat back down on his bucket. He seemed offended. Toby giggled. Ado sat down quietly, his head resting between his palms.
It was soon going to be our turn when I heard Ado trying to whisper something to me, his face still buried in his palms.
"What is it? " I asked harshly.
" Take me home now, I'm feeling uneasy. "
This time I noticed he was sweating profusely and he was having trouble breathing.
" Ado! what's wrong." Toby got up and drew close to us.
"Let's take him home. I think he wasn't kidding when he said he was feeling drowsy.
Toby and I helped Ado to get up. Just as he had stood up, he lost balance and back to the ground he went.
"Ado! Ado! "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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