Chapter 1

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"Dallas Winston! I'm going to kill you!" I threw an empty beer bottle at his head. Two-Bit was snickering in the corner. Dallas 'accidentally' fell asleep with me the other night and has been telling all of his buddies that he slept with Darrel Curtis' kid sister. "It was a joke, calm down doll face." I sighed, throwing an ashtray at him. Darry, Steve, Soda, and Ponyboy came through the door. "What happened here?" Ponyboy asked, picking up the beer bottle I had thrown. "Ask Dally, since he thinks he' so smart." I snarled, glaring at Dallas. Soda grinned, walking into the kitchen. "So Darry, you remember how Dallas fell asleep with me the other night?" Darry wasn't too happy about that, but he really ain't gonna like this. "Yeah, why?" I grinned mischievously, "Good ole Dally here has been going around with all his little party buddies tellin em' all that he slept with Darrel Curtis' kid sister." I said plopping on the couch, smiling with satisfaction. "Dallas, I'm going to kick your head in." Darry glared, grabbing Dallas' collar. "He did what, now?" Soda asked, coming back in from making a chocolate milk. "You heard me, come on Pone, let's go find Johnny." I said walking out the front door, "You love torturing Dally don't you?" He asked, trailing behind me. I slowed down, "Yeah, it's my hobby." I lit a cancer stick.

I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself, well I'm Katalynn Reese Curtis and I'm 16 years old. I have three, very protective brothers. Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy. I have long brown hair, and bright brown eyes. I'm actually pretty short, that's why Steve calls me Short Stack, its actually quite annoying. I'm not like all of the other broads in this town, I don't wear dresses unless I have too. My trademark is jeans, old dirty jeans with old dirty Chuck Taylor's.

"Johnny, how's it hangin'?" I asked, sitting next to him on the old couch in the vacant lot. "It's alright, my folks are gettin annoying." I grinned, "You needa get outta there." I said, blowing smoke out of my nose. "And you need to quit smoking." Pony said, lighting a cancer stick. "Preaching to the choir there, Pony?" Johnny chuckled, "Want to go to y'all's place?" I nodded, standing up.

"Where's Dallas?" I asked, smirking and plopping down next to Two-Bit on the couch. "Darry yelled at him, threatened him. He went to Buck's probably to drink away his sorrows." Two-Bit said jokingly. I giggled, "Pony, get me a beer!" I yelled into the kitchen, "Pony, I'll skin you if you get her that beer." Darry said, staring Pony down. "Darrel, you're no fun." I whined, he grinned at me. "Two, tell Darrel how not fun he's being. I mean damn, you drink beer for breakfast." Two-Bit chuckled, "I'm not itching to get kicked in the face." I rolled my eyes. "Plans for this fine evening, anyone?" I asked, taking a cigarette from Steve's pocket. "Well, I was going to the movies with Sandy, Steve, and Evie." Soda grinned, winking at Steve. "I need to get housework done, which means you're probably going to help." Darry said, throwing a dish rag at me. "But it's Saturday!" I whined, "I wanna got to the Nightly Double." I crossed my arms. "And I want to win the lotto, but we don't always get what we want. Dishes now." I groaned, standing up. "I'll help you." Two-Bit stood up, I turned around looking at him like he grew a second head. "Housework? You? " I started laughing, he chuckled. "Don't tell my mom, she'll die of shock." He grinned, staring at me expectantly. "Alright, I wash, you dry." I handed him a dish towel. Now here's the thing with me and Two-Bit, we're close, real close. We may not act like it, but we can read each other like books. One glance and we know if somethings wrong, and I actually kind of like him. I handed him a cup, accidentally splashing him with water. He playfully glared at me. "Oh you're gonna get it, Short Stack." I squealed as he poured a cup full of water over my head, I grabbed a cup from the dish water splashing him. He picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder and turning in fast circles. "Two! Put me down!" I laughed, splashing water and soap all around the kitchen. "I can't leave you two alone for five minutes." Darry muttered, taking the dish towel from Two-Bit. We chuckled, "Go on, go to the Nightly Double. You better be back before one." Darry, started washing dishes muttering something about lazy kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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