We got 10 more reads!!! In a day!! I'm so happy, thank you guys so much for reading my book. This is Saige, Finleys cat 💕go check out my other book Broken Memories! Okay guys, here's chapter three!!
I wake up to Finley jumping up on the end of my bed. Her hair is a tangled mess, like a lions mane on the top of her head. She giggles and crawls up to me, laying on me when she gets up here.
"Good morning sissy" she says giggling as she kisses my nose. I laugh and sit up making her slide off of me. She rolls off of my bed and onto the ground, quickly standing back up. She grabs my hand and drags me out of the bed. She leads us out of my room and takes us downstairs.
We get to the cave exit, which is a tiny crack, only big enough for a small bug to fit through. We both shift into centipedes and crawl through the crack, into the outdoor cave. We check for any hunters or other normal shifters before shifting into our main forms. I wait for Finley to finish shifting before we take off, sprinting out of the cave. It's a beautiful day outside, the sun is shining, and the water from the creek is running quickly. Weaving in and out of the trees, we take turns chasing each other through the woods. We run until Finley stops, tired from running and decides to take a nap up in a tall pine tree. I lay at the bottom for a while until I get bored, and after making sure that she is out if view, I begin my walk. I love the woods out here, it's so peaceful. You can hear all of the birds singing and the water running.
I break out of my daze when I hear a twig snap behind me. I stop moving and quickly turn around, snarling at whoever is there. Standing there, is the massive black and silver wolf that I saw when I fell asleep. He towers over me, just staring.
So, I make a break for it.
I run under him, and start sprinting back to the cave. He's startled for a minute but then begins to chase after me. I debate running and grabbing Finley, but quickly get rid of the thought. She will be okay. I leap over a fallen tree, and find myself in a small opening. Quickly, I spin in circles trying to find a place to hide, before I see a thick dark bush. I run into it and push myself down into the dirt. Once I'm pressed up against the ground I close my eyes and focus on making myself invisible. I open my eyes and to see the familiar weird fog, and I know that it worked. Soon enough, the wolf comes flying over the fallen tree. He stops in his tracks, confused as to where I went.
The wolf turns in circles trying to find where I disappeared to. I try my hardest to focus on masking my scent, I don't want him to find me. I watch him sniff the air, the ground, and the plants around him hoping to pick up a scent. He starts moving closer to me, not looking up from the ground. Suddenly he turns around searching in the opposite direction.
"Ooh I like his wolf... He's very attractive" Briar purrs in my head. Ugh gross, quit it.
"Briar! Shut up! You're distracting me from masking my scent" I reply quickly, calming her down for a moment but then she goes back to pacing. Stupid fox.
"I heard that" I rolled my eyes at her before looking back out at the wolf. He is still here. When will this guy give up?!
It's getting later and the wolf still hasn't left, I don't know what his problem is. He keeps smelling everything, trying to find something, I'm not even sure it's me anymore. He whimpers suddenly and falls to the ground putting his head in between his giant paws. He closes his eyes slowly and continues to whine, like he was hurting or something. He looks so sad I just wanna-
Before I can stop myself, a quiet whine leaves my mouth, and I stop hiding my scent as I appear again. Great. Way to go Briar.
"I'm sorry I can't help it I want to help him. I don't like him being sad. Make him happy. Go. Go make him happy. ARIEL GO TO HIM!" Briar yells at me. Why is she getting so worked up about this... It's just some random wolf. Ughhh...
"No Briar I am not going to him. Okay? Get yourself together and stop freaking out. I don't want to go to him" I yell back at her. I hear her whimper so I block her out. She can be so annoying sometimes.
I'm brought back out of my thoughts my a snapping sound in front of me. I look forward and immediately jump back in surprise. In front of me is the wolf bowing down onto its front two paws, his head cocked to the side staring at me intently. He moves a little bit closer resulting in me scooting backwards. He stops, so I stop. He keeps staring at me, while I try to find an escape.
All of the sudden a voice in my head, deep and husky breaks through the silence.
Oh hell no.

The Fated
Science FictionEveryone thought they were gone. Destroyed. Extinct. But they were always there. The Fated were always there. After war broke out between The Fated and the hunters, there was no turning back. No second thoughts about what would happen. The hunters t...