Chapter 1

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"Alba? are you listening to me?" La Volpe asked

I shook out of my thoughts "of course uncle I am always listening"

"then what did I say to you?"

i smiled and patted his shoulder avoiding the question "Uncle do not worry yourself, its a simple task really I will take care of it for you"

"you did not answer my question" he sighed then before repeating himself i stopped him

"you said to wait until the guards are distracted then slip in through the back window, I know what to do" i groaned

"shh they will hear you" he pointed down to the guards standing below us

It was a simple grab and go task, as in slip in through the back window into a small guarded office, grab some information from the Templars and go.

La Volpe had signaled and the distraction had begun, a few citizens fought in the street.

"hey, stop!" the guards ran over

I jumped down and walked right in..

It was a small room with a few candles lit for light, i began digging around for the papers i needed...

"a hah, i found you" i said to myself, it had been a letter of some sort, i wasn't sure because I couldn't read the sloppy form of writing. i shoved it into my pocket and climbed out the back window and ran for the guild.


I walked in and found La Volpe and some of the others were waiting.

"what did you find?" La Volpe had asked

"I found this letter... although i cannot read it" I said pondering the chicken scratch I was looking at

"let me see this letter" La Volpe asked

"Looks like something about a shipment of supplies. Rifles, medicines and such." He read

"When is it supposed to arrive?" One of the thieves asked

"It says three days time at dusk, by the docks"

"so then we need to make a plan to raid this boat" I suggested

"agreed, it will take some time to plan this" La Volpe started with "meanwhile I need you to do me a favor Alba"

"what do you need uncle?"

He pointed at a crate sitting in the floor "i need you to take that to the Piazza Navona and drop it off there"

"for who may I ask?"

He thought carefully for a moment

"it is medicines for a mutual ally, an attack gone bad you could say and they need those supplies" he finished "can you do this for me?"

"of course uncle i will be back shortly" i said

"be careful, and behave" he said

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