Chapter 8

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The sun was just about to set when i had had stormed off before I could hear some sort of reasoning from Ezio and Mia Rosa. Nothing would stop me from finding my uncle.

I came upon the Piazza Diavolo looking down from a rooftop.

"You won't find La Volpe here"

I turned around and Ezio stood behind me. "But I believe I know where they have taken him"

I stood up and faced him.

"I assume you want to go?" He asked with a smirk

"Of course " I sneered

"There is a Templar lair nearby but it is heavily guarded." Ezio said "but I know how to get in"

"You are joking right?"

We were looking down from a cliff where and island sat in the water only connected to land by a single bridge surrounded by high cliffs.

"You know, I can't swim with a bum shoulder that YOU caused" I pointed out

"You're right my apologies" Ezio said and with his hand he pushed me over the edge jumping in after me.

I landed in the water with a loud splash and kicked around trying to stay afloat.

Ezio poked his hoodless head out of the water to me splashing him then I sunk under, Ezio grabbed my hands and pulled me up wrapping them around his shoulders.

"So what's the plan?" I asked

"See those lights?" He pointed to the top of the tower "we are going to climb up there, I believe that's were they have La Volpe"

When we finally got to land I looked up at the tower

"You know I can't climb either right?" I asked

"Of course and I have a plan for that as well" he said with a smirk climbing onto the wall and helping me up

"Come here" he said holding his hands out

Without thinking I walked closer and he suddenly picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders.

"what is the point of this?" I asked assuming my cheeks were absolutely red

"because if are you on my back then i wont be able to climb and we will both fall to our deaths, and with you like this you can watch for guards and it will be easier to carry you." he explained


"are you flustered?" he asked with that stupido smirk

"shut up and climb" I said and put his hood back over his head and i did the same with mine

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