First chapter

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First off, this has been the worst year of my life. My boyfriend, Weston, broke up with me, I was failing all my classes, I am considered the least popular girl in school, and last but not least, my Dad passed away 2 years ago. On the bright side, I don't get bullied?

I was walking to my first class, science. Same people, same teacher, same everything but one kid. I don't know his name but one thing I know for sure, he is definitely NOT from here. I decided to go sit with my best friend, Destiny.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Did you see the new kid?" She whispered back.

"Yeah, he's kind of short but oh well. So am I." I stated.

"He's really hot though." She said.

"Eh I think he's ok." I said back.

"Hey! No talking while I'm talking!" The instructor yelled.

I rolled my eyes and continued working on my project.

~~~~~10 Minutes Later~~~~~~

"Okay class, for our next assignment everyone is going to need a partner." The instructor said.

Right after he said that, the new kid walked up to us and asked if he could be our partner. Of course Destiny said "Yes" before he even finished his sentence.

"Well, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Oh. Right. My name is Mark. Mark Thomas." He answered.

"My name is Marisa. Yes, I know, ugly name." I said, embarrassed.

"Well, I like it. I mean uhh... It's a cool name..." Mark blushed. He's actually really cute when he blushes.

"Thanks..." I blushed back.

"Well, MY name is Destiny. And I think that you're really cute and we should go out sometime." Destiny said.

"Um I don't think I'm ready for that kind of stuff..." He said.

"Oh..." She said disappointed.

"It's not you, I just don't think I'm ready." He said while trying to spare her feelings.

"Well, I have to go to the bathroom so I'll see you guys in 3 minutes." Said Destiny.

She walked out of the room, and as soon as she did, Mark and I started talking.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know nothing happened that's interesting so far but I promise, it will get VERY interesting ☺️

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