Chapter 5

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(Next day back in school)

Oh my god! It's 8:10! Im 10 minutes late.. Ugh not again...
I walked in to the classroom hoping the teacher wouldn't see me but with my luck, I happened to be wearing some pretty flashy stuff, and surely, the teacher saw me.

"Merisa?" He asked.
"Yes Mr.Fitz?" I replied as the classes attention turned to me.
"What makes you so late today?"
"I just slept in a little."
"Sleeping is more important than school?"
"Uhm yeah, kind of. You can live without school, cant live without sleep." I said as the class let out a slight giggle.
"Alright, go take a seat." He instructed.

I headed over to Destiny to take a seat beside her, but the spot was taken. By Weston. Out of all people, Weston had to sit there. Knowing that I sit there, since its my best friend, and for some reason he had to find a way to piss me off.

"Weston, out. Now." I whispered, signaling for him to move.
"Mr.Fitz! Merisa is in my way, I can't see!" He shouted to Mr.Fitz.
"Merisa, would you please move and sit over there beside Jason?"

Wow. What a great day it's been. I have to sit beside some kid who's in 10th grade, and has a birds nest in his hair, with all the dead animals the bird would find and bring back to its nest. Plus, I don't even get to sit beside Destiny because of that dumbass Weston!

I texted Weston.

(M- Merisa) (W- Weston)

M- dude why did u take my spot you asshole?
W- last time i checked u didnt own this desk
M- u didnt answer my question
W- is it against the law for me to sit where i want
M- yes
W- well guess im gettin arested
M- getting* arrested*
W- stfu
M- no. not until u answer my question
W- fine cuz i wanted 2 annoy u
M- k thx now pay attention u dumbass

Weston shot me an angry glare.
Mark was about 2 rows ahead of me so I couldn't really talk to him and he doesn't answer his phone often, so I couldn't text him. Ugh I guess my only choice is to pay-attention.

(2 minutes after the bell rings)
I walked over to Mark to say hi but before I could go, Destiny interrupted me with an urgent message. Well, urgent to her...

"Merisa! Merisa! The mall has a 75% sale on right now but the mall closes in 2 hours wanna skip and get the new Calvin Klein purses we've both been dreaming of?" She said basically forcing me to go.

"Ugh but I have this history test next..." I said, disappointed.

"So..? Just tell Mrs.Volleigh that you got violently sick, and then your pet fish died of lung cancer." She said, sounding serious.

"Are you serious? Since when can fish have lung cancer?" I giggled.

"Since now! So lets go!" She forced me to my locker.

"Ugh fine." I finally gave in. But only because I want that new CK purse...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She exclaimed.

"Alright lets go now before I change my mind."

We got outside and started walking on the long trail towards the mall. There were squirrels everywhere. By everywhere, I mean everywhere. The river was actually quite silent, almost silent enough that you could actually hear hear the wind ruffling through the leaves in the tall oak trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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