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I was tagged by lwalkercannowreadl thanks 

1) What is your dream job?

My dream job would be either a member of a rock/metal band or an actor

2) Do you have a crush?

I actually have a boyfriend so ummm.......... Does that answer that question right or idk

3) Favourite colour and why?

My favourite colour would be black because it can go with any other colour and it isn't bright, I like dark colours 

4) Any obsessions?

Watching anime, reading fanfic, having way too many pillows

5) Favourite youtuber?

Properly Sophie-chan because she does lots of speed paint and who doesn't love speed paints

6) How would you name your child?

First I hate little children and dont want any, but if I did I would go find rare names on the internet and use one of them

7) Vegetables or fruit? Why?

Fruit because its sweet and I like sweet things

8) Cats or dogs? Why?

Cats because you don't need to keep an eye on then all the time and they are lazy like me. They also do what they like and don't have to obey you like a dog

9) Do you practice sports?

I do swimming every week

10) What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are drawing, reading, writing, singing, swimming and playing the violin

11) If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

I would fly because I want to be free and would like to prank people with my flying skills

12) Favourite hero and why?

Most likely Catwoman because she was the first female hero I have herd of

13)Favourite song?

Chop Suey by System of a Down

14) Football or tennis?

Tennis because it is native to England and football is guys running round and when they fall over they pretend they have broken something when really they have done nothing wrong

15) How many languages do you speak?

English (first language) French, German and Spanish

16) Favourite country?

Russian because its a cold country, and they don't take any bullshit from anyone

I want to tag: MyEreriSenpai GarekiKun yannyie CREEPYPASTASLENDY laughteroverlord1 HaosRulez101

If you have been tagged please you the questions I have used please and thank you

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