Subaru~ lost child~ part 3

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It was nearing the end of the summer holidays. School was coming up in a few days. The free days that you had had were spent mostly with Subra and some with the other members on the vampire family.

"Subaru!" You shouted from your room. Looking at the tickets in your hand. The youngest brother soon knocked on your bedroom door, before you opened the crecking door to reveal him. "What do you want y/n?" He asked. You looked up at him and then looking at the tickets in your hands " these are for a flower show tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go, dad?" You averted your eyes as you said the last word.

Subaru was taken back by you calling him dad after you haven't done it in over half a year. He didn't know what to do, he was shocked and suprised after so long, you still called him dad. ".......sure............" an awkward silence filled the air in the room. You decided to break the silence "'s from 1pm till 10pm, and I know you don't want to be late. Also try no to break anything whist we are there." You giggled at the thought of Subra getting mad at a gardener for not trimming their roses right.

"What's so funny?" Your 'dad' asked a hit of anoyance in his voise. "Nothing" you said before pushing him outside your room. This made him a little bit more anoyed but didn't question it and just walked out.

~le time skip to 12pm the next day~

Subaru stood by the entrance leaning against the wall waiting for you. Steps could be herd coming down some stairs. There stood you dressed in your normal outfit. He pushed himself off the wall and walked up towards you "if you are going to call me dad whist we are out don't, if you are going to call me anything it's Subaru of brother, got it?" Subaru asked slightly threatening. You nodded your head whilst replying "yes big bro" He rolled his eyes and then open the frount door for you. You silently thanked him with a slight nod, he then walked out behind you closing the door after himself.

After an hour long car ride and small chit chat you had arived at the event. Once out the dark coloured car, Subaru's eyes widened at how many different types of flowers that was there. You help in a small giggle before walking up to him and waving a hand in front of his face. "Come on, we can see them up close" You said before grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the entrance. You then let go of him and showed the nice woman the the small pop up table the tickets. She smiled at you before handing you and Subaru wrist bands.

Subaru and you walked around the large park filed with different greenery and vegetation, awestruck  at how many different species  there were. No words were spoken as both of you strolled around the show. No words were needed as you and Subaru were too busy taking in the view of the flowers.

As Subaru walked he didn't see the small rock that lay on the path as he was too busy looking at the roses. His foot came into contact  with the rock, sending his face flying towards the ground. His face now one with the floor, his anger boiled as he smashed one of his fisted agensed the floor creating cracks. You quickly help him up, and cooled him off, some how.

The night grew near and the sky darkened. Small lights lit up the large park area illuminating the flowers making a magical feel to it. The sun has set below the horizon fireworks were set off lighting up the sky. The colours in which the firework was would reflect off of the damp leaves of the plants.

"Big brother Subaru, it may not be your birthday but as nothing like this happens in November I thought it would be better to go do something like this now. I hope you liked it." You smiled up towards him. Subaru frozen in happiness. Joy coursed through his veins, leaving his motionless. After he snapped out of his paused, he engulfed you into a bear hug, not caring if it was out of character. You froze for a split second before bringing your arms up around him.

After that no words were said once again.

Shout out to Ashleysookdeo   for requesting part 3 of lost childmention a user

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