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Okay so I'm like super fangirling and I can't even speak properly 😂

THIS is my new favourite picture of Bryles ever. Like ever ever.

It's so cute 🙈

When I saw this, the first thing I saw was Bryles. I may have screamed and my crush well he's my kinda boyfriend but it's a long story so yeah.. Anyways 😂 he ran over and was really worried that something was wrong but I was just excited 'bout Bryles oops ...

Also s/o to rosieeclairee or rosieclxire (I can't remember which user you use ) thanks for letting me spam you on sc with my fangirl moments 😂💜

Also look at bri's shoes 😍😍

Why does she have such perfect clothes? I'm so jealous. Briar is queen. 💪🏽💃🏽

BRYLES - Briar Nolet and Myles ErlickWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt