His Eyes

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For some reason, after I made eye contact with Bellamy, I couldn't stop thinking of them. Yes, he is attractive, but he literally has a different girl in his tent every night. I still don't like or trust Murphy and I catch him glaring at me. Thankfully Bellamy or Clarke walk by to save me from punching him. Nobody has gotten any sleep because of Jasper being in pain. Bellamy told Clarke that if he wasn't better by the next day, he was going to kill him himself. That's when I stepped in.

"Not if I'm watching him." I said.

"I brought you down last time with the incident with Murphy. I'm pretty sure you can't stop me." He said, trying to intimidate me.

I picked up one of the speared sticks I made. "Watch me." I smirked and headed to the capsule where Jasper was.

Clarke went out with a couple of people to get seaweed for Jasper, me keeping watch so no one killed him. Murphy tried coming up to kill him but Octavia shut the door and kept it closed on him.

Clarke finally came back with the seaweed and went yo treat Jasper. I went out of the capsule and headed out of camp woth a spear.

"Where are you going?" A familiar deep voice asked.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face Bellamy. "Hunting."

He walked up, looking around. "Alone?"

"Yep. I'll manage." I went to turn but he caught my arm and I looked up at him.

"I'll come with you. After what happened to Jasper I don't think going alone is a great idea."

"I really rather not." I said, making eye contact. What was with his eyes that made me feel weird?

"Why not?" He asked, giving me a stern look.

"I don't like you and would rather not be around you." I said, it coming out rather harsh.

"Ouch, that stung Queen Bee." He said sarcastically. "I'm coming with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Then grab a stick." I sighed in annoyance.

I felt him smirk as we headed out. I hated this.

After hunting, we heard a horn on our way back to camp and saw fog heading our way. Bellamy immediately grabbed my hand and began running to the nearest shelter. We ran into a cave and seeing a little girl named Sharlet and grabbed her, bringing us into a cave. As we waited, Sharlet was asleep, leaving Bellamy and I with eachother. I kept quiet and looked at a wall, feeling his eyes on me. Out of nowhere, Sharlet started screaming and Bellamy woke her up gently.

"I'm sorry.. it was my nightmare." She apologized. She couldn't be much older then twelve.

"Do they happen often?" Bellamy asked.

She nodded and Bellamy told her that a way to make them go away was to fight them. She nodded and repeated his words, making herself feel confident. He handed her a knife with a smile. I smiled slightly and got up and walked over.

"Why don't you head back to sleep. I could sing to you." I told her.

She nodded and laid back down. Bellamy walked away to another side of the cave. I began to sing to her Safe and Sound. A song I managed to find when I was on the ark. I stroked her hair and she looked up at me as I sang to her, sleep taking over her. I smiled to myself and backed away from her.

"So you're good with children. What's up with your threatening side?" Bellamy asked.

I turned to him. "I got that when they floated my mom. I attacked two guards and nearly killed one of them for doing so. I guess I've just gotten strong."

"I see. My mom got floated for having Octavia."

I nodded and looked down to avoid his eyes. Then I heard footsteps coming toward me. His footsteps. I looked up at him and started moving away. He stopped when he noticed me backing away and looked away.

"Still don't like me?" He asked.

I just stared at him, indicating that I still didn't.

"What made you dislike me?"

"That one moment you were being an asshole which is pretty much almost every moment." I looked up, catching a glimpse of his dark eyes again.

"Almost. It's a start. Look, I never wanted you to hate me, I'm just trying to keep us alive."

"By what? Taking off the wrist bands of everyone to make the ark think we're dead? We aren't only killing ourselves but we are killing them. Just like Clarke said." I watched as his ecpression turned stern.

"So you feel the same way she does?"

"The way she feels about it is right," I started. "We are killing my dad if we take those wrist bands off.. he is so important to me.. you don't even.." I felt the familiar feeling of tears prick my eyes and I had to walk away from him.

I heard him sigh. "So Queen Bee does have emotions."

I just sat away from him, letting the tears fall as the thought of my father dying because of him. "If they die, there is no way I would ever forgive you for anything."

"What about what they did to you?"

"What they did to me was my own stupidity!" I snapped and got up, heading outside.

"Hey, where are you going?!" He demanded more than an ask.

"To see if the fog is cleared you heartless bastard."

I felt him grip my arm and push me against the wall, holding me against it.

"What the hell?! Let go!" I demanded, going to kick him off but he pressed his body against mind to pin me more. I moved my head to the side to avoid any more eye contact that I have already had with him, or I'll go crazy. He won't lure me in like this. I heard his breath grow heavy and tickled the skin on my neck.

"Get off.." I demanded but he just laid his head on my shoulder, his face against my neck. What the hell was he doing to me? It felt comfortable and my body's reaction didn't seem to care but my mind sure did. I wanted him off, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

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