Chapter 4

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The young assassin of the Zolydck family soon get the front gates of his home. In front of the gates is a very small security house. A seemingly old, weak man walks out of the building. He bows, "Welcome home Killua-sama. I assume your first day of school was a success?"

Killua gives a nod to the security guard of the Zoldyck family. "It was. Thank you Zebro. I assume you're keeping the Zoldyck family safe from any intruders as usual?"

Zebro smiles, "Of course. Today has been a slow day, however. I do hope someone comes by soon to entertain this old man."

Killua chuckles, "Perhaps someone will. I'll see you later Zebro."

"Yes, Killua-sama."

Killua walks through the gates. He pets his gigantic, white hellhound, Mike. "Hello Mike." In reply, Mike snorts.

After some more petting, Killua goes on his way. He walks past one of he servants of the Zoldyck family, Canary. "Hi."

Canary looks at Killua, "How was your first day of school Killua-sama?"

Killua stops walking and looks at Canary. He smiles, "Great. I made my first ever friends."

Canary's eyes widen in surprise before smiling back. She looks so happy. Happy that Killua finally made friends. "That's wonderful Killua-sama."

Killua then continues on his way to his house. He opens the front door, being greeted by his mother.

"Killua! How was your first day of school? I hope it wasn't too hard."

Killua simply replies, "No it wasn't. I do have some homework so may I go to my room?"

"Oh! Ok! Just make sure you come to dinner on time alright?"


Killua walks to his room. However on his way there, his brother blocks his way. Milluki. He's eating chips. He squints his eyes at Killua.

"How was your first day of school little brother?"

Killua shrugs, "It was fun."

Milluki scoffs, "Right. I bet you made no friends."

Killua smirks, "In fact, I did. Four friends. How many friends do you have. Zero I bet. Or maybe all of your friends are fake!"

Milluki squeezes his bag of chips, "Shut up! You don't know anything!"

Killua sticks his tongue out at Milluki, "Loser!" He then runs off towards his room.

"Aaaaaggggggghhhh!!!! Mom!!!! Killua's is bullying me!!!"

Killua soon gets into his room, sighing. He drops his backpack onto his bed. His fingers unzip the backpack then his hands rummage through it, searching for homework and notebooks. He's about to pull them out when he hears the voice he dreads.

"How was your first day of school Killua? I heard it was fun and you made new friends."

Killua's light blue eyes widen in fear. He grits his teeth for a few seconds before answering, "Yeah. It was fun and I did make some new friends. Why?"

A sigh is heard, "An assassin does not have any feelings. They don't need to have fun. Not even know what fun is. Neither do assassins need any friends. In fact, friends get in the way of what we need to do. Kill. Survive. I do hope you're only using these 'friends' as a way to help you blend in society. That is what dad sent you to school for. Remember. You have no friends. Besides, you may betray them won't you?"

Killua's blue eyes widen even more, showing even more fear. His pupils dilate. His hands shake. No.. His entire body is shaking. The words of the voice.. The voice that belongs to his brother, Illumi, echo in his head.

B-Betray them? I-I'll betray them... B-Betray my first ever friends... Leorio.. Kurapika... Gon.... (Y/n)....

Illumi's voice cuts through Killua's thoughts, "Well, it's nice you had fun in school Killua. You should tell me more when I come back. I'm off to a mission. It may take a bit. Remember what I said though Killua."

The essence of Illumi disappears. Killua finally catches his breathe. Rapid.. Heavy breathes. Just when Killua thought he had some freedom.. That freedom was taken away from him in the same day. Why? Why couldn't he have what he wishes for the most? Why couldn't he be free? Have friends? Live a normal life? Why was he cursed with this? Why? Why?? Why???

He crawls into his bed and covers himself with blankets. Tears fall down his face. They stroll down very rapidly. Even though his tears fall and his heart throbs, he doesn't make a sound. Killua doesn't make a sound because he doesn't want his family members to know how weak it is. It would be a disgrace to the Zoldyck family if they knew he was crying.

Drowsiness soon slowly takes over the white-haired assassin. He tries to keep his eyes open but can't. The drowsiness soon overtakes him. Dreams or perhaps nightmares take over his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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