Jaded Blood

268 28 4

(Kanaya Freestyle)

A simple jaded blood, you see

Is no different from you or me

In her short life she'd learned to weave

A gown of cerulean and green

And as she grew, her gown did, too

With colors of red, orange, and blue

With one mistake, her thread would break

All the colors would dissipate

In her weakened state she'd watch

As all the colors clashed and fought

Once all was finished, said, and done,

She'd finally seen which colors had won

It's true she tried but couldn't prevent

The clown who hides inside the vent

Or the villain with shattered mind

Who since then has been left behind

Red, orange, blue, a tangled mess

Below the color she'd grown to detest

Her cerulean mistress, tall and proud

said, "Jaded, dear, just look around

Purple, Indigo and I

Have ripped the fabric and broke all ties"

And so, with heavy heart and frown

She destroyed what remained of her gown

One color stood out, dear and true

The torn up bits of cerulean blue

Perhaps by some strange change in luck

The jade blood got to change things up

Rather than ruin what was left

Of her mangled and tattered dress

Our jade and cerulean set out

To travel down a different route

They picked apart the broken string

And began to change everything

With the broken thread they'd spun

A rainbow web for everyone

Though now they've gone their separate ways

Their future is anything but grey

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