Random stuff about my life

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Hey bitches wassup?!?! This chapter is random shit about my life so enjoy :)

I'm going to come out of the closet, the actual closet. I'm sitting inside my closet hiding from the mom AGAIN! My moms mad at me cause I hit my sister and her granola bar went flying across the room, oops. I'll come out of the other closet when I'm ready.

ANYWAYS enough about my sexual orientation, I'm not actually lesbian but my friends think I am, I don't blame them because I make disgusting jokes about their lady parts. But lezbi-honest, jk I'm straight af.

Today my sister said that nobody liked me, ironic cause she's a little piece of shit. Also Is it normal to have two periods the same month? I'm legit scared, like what if some messed up shit is going down there?! One of my biggest fears is that I'm infertile and when I'm older I won't be able to have kids, like just imagine coming out of the doctors room and telling your husband "we can't have kids". Like that scares me cause I want children later.

Anyways enough about my lady part fears. Let's get to the good shit, so guys I think I'm in love. Jk I think I'm asexual, but honestly this book has gotten so messed up like you now how girls who have diaries write about falling in love and boy troubles? Well all I talk about is me being a confused young teenage girl with period, Internet and people problems. FML. Why is my god damn life so boring?

Sooooo you now what I hate?! Those tumblr quotes that are like "if she tells him that she hates him she actually likes him", LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I had a deep hatred for my asshole neighbor but according to tumblr I'm in love with him! Also there's this super annoying guy and he literally makes my blood boil, today he told me to shut up so I told him to shut up and shit got so loud that my friend yelled and told both of us to shut up. Like legit he needs to get a life and stop being a little birch tree.

You know what I'm going to rant about next? WATTPAD BOOKS! Like there is so many wattpad books about a bad boy and a good girl that hate each other at first but then they fall in love, like bish make up your mind do hate him or love him? One minute she's like 'I don't date bad boys' and the next chapter she's like 'I want you inside me!', like damn girl you possessed by demons and shit? Cause they're  messing up your brain and common sense. Also there is this book where the girl gets kidnapped and she falls in love with her KIDNAPPER! Like out of the 7 billion people you could have fell in love with you chose your god damn kidnapper? Like bruh I think you drunk.

Anywayssssssssss, recently a lot of people have found out that I talk shit about people on my secret book... But honestly this is like the best way to cope with my feelings, plus the people that actually care about me read this and the others who act like they care at school but don't give an f about me actually can go fuck themselves. So all my fake ass friends can go jump off a cliff cause I know who y'all are.

Okkkk so that's pretty much it thanks for reading and voting :)

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