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Do you ever wonder why people label each other?Do you think it is because their jealous?or a hater?Well I only judge because we're all human and we make mistakes.Once I judge someone I automatically feel wrong and out of place.Not only because I flat out judge someone I don't know or possibly will never see again.I feel wrong because in my head I am putting a label on a stranger I saw for only a second what will stop me from doing it again?This is why no one in the world when they first meet someone they don't automatically judge them.Now I know we have people out their who are total "sweethearts" and would never even think about judging them but that's not true.When you get older you automatically think that to be smart is to now how to judge situations and people to make it through life.You don't though that's what some people don't understand when you don't have trust in people around you they judge you because of that.They think she is a loser nobody likes because she is stuck up and doesn't judge you on sight.Thats not true though is as humans try to always Asse things in life to be and feel safe in the situation your in.Lets get back to the actual labeling part.When you label someone you automatically think of how many other are like them and it makes you group them together ,stereotyping them. That takes away everything else that the person is made up of.For example you see a girl in short shorts and automatically label her a slut or whore.Well she actually is in high school and struggling with self confidence and only wore the shorts due to the pressure of her friends.Most people do what they do to either to impress themselves or this around them it makes them feel like their doing something right in life.But they could do so much more with theirselves and they don't know that.I know a girl who was encouraged to be a model and honestly she could be one she is really pretty.But the thing is she is very talented at drawing but her parents told her drawing doesn't make money.So one day while she was at a interview for a gig the person interviewing her asked her if she had any hobbies.She said no Bc her parents were in the room and later on the person who interviews her talked to her privately.So the guy found out she could draw really well and sent her to a art program in New York for the summer and her parents immediately were embarrassed by this so now she lives with her older sister.She was so upset she only tried modeling for her parents and they left her for that.People now a days  only care about their image and it is pitiful.Some people have such an image they don't even want it yet there are people out their trying so hard to get one when in life it doesn't help you at all.

That's all the rant I have for today plz comment below opinions about labeling etc whatever floats your boat peace out Girl Scouts🍪

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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