Chapter 8: Good News at Last

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"Ayyyyy (Y/N),my love~!"Vincent chimes as he skips up to you with his large grin on,going ear to ear. You were sitting against the building you and Vincent was camping out behind. So far the look-changes has actually helped greatly. The only reason people take second glances is from you and Vincent camping out begin buildings or the dirt covering you. Which isn't very fun. Oh what you would do for a nice bath!

"Yeah?"You ask Vincent with a smile as you out down the paper you had. You were waiting for Vincent to get back and got bored,so started doodling randomly on paper.
"You will want to kiss me forever when I give you the news."Vincent says with his smile somehow getting bigger.
"Oh really? Then what is this amazing news?"

He pulls out a set of hotel keys in triumph and holds them out to you as your eyes go wide.
"Vincent d-did you get a hotel room?!"You ask in amazement,quickly taking the keys to make sure they were real. Just to make sure Vincent wasn't playing a horrible joke on you.

"Mmhmm sure did love~"He says,putting his hands behind his back and leaning forward while rocking on his heels.
"This is awesome!"You cry out,shooting up and giving Vincent such a big hug that he nearly falls over. Vincent laughs and hugs you back,getting a few kisses.

"But"You ask,pulling away and looking up at him suspiciously. He just grins at you more.
"Don't worry about it. I have my ways~"He purrs with a wink which doesn't help what you were thinking he did. But you don't ask anymore.
"Well lets go! Quick quick!"

You both gather up the bags and things you have collected and hurry to the hotel room.


The hotel was a decent one. It was pretty clean actually,the building being only one story. It had a breakfast area,wi-fi (phone would be nice right now),then a pretty large pool.

"And here is your luxury."Vincent jokes,stopping in front of the door.
"After all of this,it'll be nice to sleep in a actual bed and take a bath." you say with a sigh of relief,Vincent's eyebrows raising and you can see him lick his lips slightly.
"Do I get a 'reward' for getting the room~?"he asks,grinning and you roll your eyes with a blush.

"Pervert."you say simply,but then kiss him while pressing him against the door some. Vincent kisses you back hard and fumbles for the keys to get into the room.

A Fangirl's Dream: On The Run (Sequel to "New Boy At School")Where stories live. Discover now