21. Betrayal

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• Camille

"But tonight me and my friends we got money to spend, me and my friends we got money to spend. My and my friends me and my friends."

I sighed since Kat had me in this club. I leaned against the bar as she went off to dance. I didn't want to be here. Not only in this building but in Key West. My mind has been racing, either from the shots I took earlier or from all the things that were on my mind. Fed up, I exit the building and stood outside. Soon as I leaned against the wall it felt as if all my feelings just exploded as I sobbed. I was hurt to say the least. How could he get her pregnant?

"Cami?" Kat yelled walking out. She turned to her left and notice how horrible I was looking. "Camille? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Katherine, I fucking hate my life." I sobbed. "I hate myself and I hate this feeling!"

"Camille, what's going on?" She said sternly. I looked her in the eyes and I knew I had no choice but to tell her. I need to tell someone.

I cleared my throat. "Um can we leave here?"

"Sure you want to go back to the house—"

"No. Anywhere but there." I sighed, she looked at me confused but nodded.

Both of us with our heels in our hand, we let our feet sink into the sand as we walk across the beach. I placed my shoes down and sat down digging my hands into the sand feeling more relaxed.

"Can you tell me now?" Kat asked sitting next to me with a box of Krispy Creme we picked up on the way. I sighed and revealed everything that I have been keeping to myself.

It's not only that I trust Kat not to tell anyone, but I needed to vent. Holding all this in has been driving me crazy, making it hard to admit the obvious. I'm in love with Chris, but he loves Candice. And I envy her. Now she's pregnant. Now she has everything. I was a fool to believe Chris was done with her. That Chris chose me over her. Shit all me and Chris did was have sex. Of course it was nothing between us. Jackass. I looked over at Kat to see how she felt about all I was saying to her, and she didn't seem phased.

"I knew it." She grinned.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I knew it from the moment she announced her pregnancy and you locked yourself in the bathroom."

"What are you talking about? I was using the bathroom." I lied. Of course I locked myself in there to prevent everyone from seeing me freak out.

"You can't lie to me Cammy girl, I know you. I know you a little too well." She chuckled stuffing a donut in her mouth, I rolled my eyes.

"So what am I going to do? I don't want to go back home with them. I can't and I won't." I spat.

"Then don't." She shrugged. "Come stay in Atlanta with me." She grinned.

"Atlanta? No."

"Why not? Like you just said, your out of school, don't have a job, you aren't dancing. Sounds like to me the only thing that's really keeping you in Cali is daddy's dick." She retorted.

"What about my brother and my niece and nephew? And my mom?"

"You act like your moving overseas. You can go visit them whenever you want to."


"Stop making excuses and just come live with me."

"Fine. It's better than nothing."

• Chris

"Baby," Candice whined.

"Huh?" I mumbled rolling over in the bed.

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