Ꮚ Chapter 1 Ꮚ

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Chapter 1

     The feeling was strange. Very strange. Kind of like super strange. See what I did there? No, oh but you will soon. Being only fifteen and discovering you're somewhat of a superhuman isn't as great as it may seem. Having the ability to exceed every sense known to humankind wasn't so great either. When I say 'known to humankind ' I mean there's more. Yeah, you read correctly. A normal human can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Myself, being an abnormal human can also sense other things.

      You know that horrible feeling that you feel in your gut? The one that has your stomach churning, your heart beating excessively and your body aching. Now imagine that ten times worse. Okay, now imagine experiencing that whenever something bad happens. You have no idea how many times that actually does happen.

     Sure a normal person feels that every now and then but that's more of anxiety. At least that's what my parents told me when I told them. They even gave me pills 'claiming' I would feel better. In all honesty, they made me want to throw up and curl into a corner.

     Anyway, that's just a little bit of what I was feeling. But it wasn't like a sense of danger, it was like gaining knowledge that you just know something really bad will happen. And not being able to do anything about it just made it all worse. What sucked, even more, was when I was able to recognize it. Something horrible would happen and the white flash would come. That basically told me, 'Hey buddy that sickening feeling you just felt was a warning for this.' And I would usually just groan in annoyance because that's all I could do.

     I call this sense 'Stranger Danger'. Cause when I see a person I sense their troubles that will occur, you know? Of course, you wouldn't know, at least, you shouldn't know, that wouldn't be very good. It would be harmful, for you, not me. I would be fine. I think.

     That's just one of the many senses I've felt. There are others that I myself don't even know. But I will, eventually. I hope so. I discovered all this about two months ago, I think. I mean it's not like I was keeping count. That's not really my thing. But like I said previously, my normal senses have somewhat enhanced. And it blew my mind, literally. Nah I'm just playing. Goodness, do you believe everything you read? So as I was saying my senses have increased as well. You thought 20/20 vision was great, try seeing a mile away perfectly. Oh, the perks of being a super human.

     But then again there was always the cons. Sigh. Everyone hates the cons. I myself especially. One of them was hearing. Yeah, being able to hear every freaking thing was freaking fabulous. Can you sense the sarcasm? Well by now you should. I being a super awesome human can hear a bee from miles away and let me just tell you it's awful.

     That little buzzing sound dancing around my ears. On a scale from one through ten, I give it a million. Yeah, I just went over the scale, because I'm a rebel. Anyway, I had no idea how to control this, but clenching my fist sometimes helped. It could just be my imagination but either way, I just went with it. I probably looked like I was having an anger tantrum. Holding my fist, squeezing my eyes shut, while breathing roughly out loud had to give that effect. Of course, no one dared to utter a word. They didn't want to get hurt by the big bad boy. By the way, that's me.

     I'm not really that bad of a person, but then again I'm not much of a saint either. But who ever is?

     So hey there, my name is Lucas Trevor, also known as the bad boy, hiddenly known as a super human.

     This is where I tell you how I became like this. I start off by telling you my cliche origin story. Then I tell you how I mastered these powers and after that I introduce the villain. I would do this but sadly I can't quite do that. Because hell if I knew how I became like this and what my origin story is. It would be great if I magically mastered these powers and I haven't even been introduced myself to a villain so we're going to have to wait on that. 

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