#12 hello/goodbye

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4 weeks later from the Taylor and harry incident

Harry's POV

Today I am finally ready to break up with Shauna. Our relationship hasn't been very good, me and Taylor are meant to be together! Shauna dosent make me feel the way Taylor does .

Niall gave me a disapproving glare ye making a mistake mate (ye means you or your in Ireland) (I'm a little Irish) he says getting up and walking to his room he turns around and says "when she's broken and her career goes down the drain it will be ye fault! He says shutting his door. I frown. Now Niall is mad at me. Shauna opens the door. She does not look the same as she used to at all she often looks stressed and tired. I thought she was happy with me but I guess not :( today she was wearing black vans with jeans and a 1D shirt I always loved how supportive she was. We need to talk". I said sternly she looked up shocked at my aggression. She looked scared. Yet she will never tell me what's going on.

I softened my voice and looked her in the eyes as we sat down on the couch "as you probably know our relationship hasn't been very good we nearly see each other and when we do you look like you haven't eaten or slept in days" she gave me a knowing look as I said "I think we should break up". She looked me straight in the eyes and said "it's Taylor isn't it".

"Yes. I said looking down. "She then said I love you if your happy I'm happy. She hugged me one last time and said "I'm going to go talk to niall". "Goodbye harry". My heart broke but I knew this was for the best. I pulled out my phone and asked out Taylor. She said yes!

Niall's POV

I wasn't very happy about harry and Taylor. They look so fake as a couple! Shauna and him are perfect for each other it's terrible. I heard harry say the words "I think we should break up". I could imagine Shauna saying goodbye. Without crying she's stronger than people take her for.

I heard a soft knock on my door I opened it to find Shauna. I took her in my arms and hugged her. Her life was pretty tough her parents are big stars , like her so they travel away from her. She misses her family but there far away to! And the saddest part is she never knew her real brother! Her parents never let her visit him because of his schedule. Apparently he's a singer. I never knew my real sisters though so I know how it feels.

We pulled away from her hug but I could tell she was hurt by harry. Her heart was breaking. "You need to eat". I demanded sweetly. She smiled. "Not hungry nialler". As we were talking I heard harry ask Taylor our on the phone. I clenched my fists. Shauna needs to know. But I just can't tell her she will be broken. I went into my mini fridge and pulled out a pretzel. "Eat it please! I pleaded she hesitantly ate it to make me feel better. 30 minutes later Shauna left. Now for my talk with harry!

Harry's POV

Shauna had left Niall's room smiling. Her smile faded when she saw me. I looked down frowning as she shut the door and walked out to her car. Niall came out of his room and sat down next to me "why did you do it". He muttered breaking the silence. "Shauna and I weren't working out. She wouldn't tell me anything or see me at all. She hasn't eaten in forever and she looks like she hasn't slept in days! I finished . "Her life is tough harry she's stressed she's trying to find her real brother, she didn't get picked for a huge modeling oppurtunity and she thinks its because of her weight. She's afraid". Niall said " she didn't tell me that she didn't tell me anything".

"You don't know what your gonna miss mate". Niall said walking to his room. Shauna is probably much happier without me

Niall's POV

To cheer Shauna up Im going on ancestor.com to find her brother! Her cousin told me that her mom made a tree of all her family! And didn't want her daughters to get caught up in her famous brothers drama. I was looking through her family tree I was getting a weird feeling when I saw my family! My aunt and uncle were on here! My whole family was! Then I saw what I had been looking for. Under her parents name said NIALL HORAN! I can't believe it. Shauna and Julia are my sisters.

Julia's POV

I was on my phone scrolling through Selena's twitter to see if she had a thing for justin! It's not stalking its researching then I saw Niall texted me when I opened it I saw my family tree then I saw the name Niall horan! He said "I'm your real brother don't tell Shauna! She is really hurting right now I will find a way to tell her .love ya sis! 💜💙💛 I closed my phone I can't believe it. I dialed my moms phone number "hi sweetie my mom said "mom Niall horan is my brother isn't he". "Sweet heart I'm sorry it's true I was worried you guys would get stuck in the drama of his career! So I sent him to your aunt and uncle we haven't seen him since he was 11 you guys were 10 at the time though". We were planning to visit now that you all are 16 I just didn't know how to tell you

It's ok". I said I'm not gonna tell Shauna. Niall will .I'm texting you his number your going to talk to him. "Ok she said love you" love ya to mom I said. After we said bye I texted Niall back .


Me: can't believe your my brother! Love u 2 I will not tell Shauna I promise our parents are calling you. They have some explaining to do

Niall: I know right lol and ok I would love to talk to them! I'm still shocked 😁

Im definitely going to be in shock for a few weeks I just can't believe it!

1 day later

Shaunas POV

Yesterday I went home with a smile so Julia wouldn't know harry and i broke up. But it was hard! Niall texted me to come over so that's pretty much where I am now. I got out of my car and saw Liam, Niall, zayn, Louis, and harry all sitting on the couch. Niall told me that he had something to tell me. The boys gave each other a knowing look. I sat next to Niall and Liam. The boys were all giving me sympathetic looks even harry! "I know ye were upset about yesterday's event Niall said glaring at harry , so I wanted to find your real brother for you and so I went on your moms account on ancestor.com and saw that my relatives were yours, then I spoke to your sister and your parents". Shauna what I'm trying to say is I'm your brother. My eyes filled with happy tears. I couldn't believe it. I pulled him into the biggest hug. I continued crying though. Liam rubbed my back. Louis pulled me in for a hug, Zayn whispered "it's okay". Harry held his arms out for me to hug him and I did. He rubbed my back as I cried then he whispered "Niall is a great brother". "Your lucky to have him". After our hug I walked back to the couch with the boys trying to process the news. I was shocked and happy but also confused. "This is really shocking". I said laughing "I know but it's ok Liam cooed. "Thanks guys". "Guys can I have a minute with my sister" Niall said smiling. "Shauna hog". Louis said sticking out his tongue we laughed then everyone went into their game room leaving me with niall. "I love you". He said hugging me "I'm sorry I couldn't always be there for you'. "You always were". I just didn't know it I said to him. We probably hugged for 20 minutes but I didn't care I had my brother back! And no one was going to change how happy I was.

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