Chapter 11

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I walked into school. I didn't even look for Carson or Liam. I went straight to the intersection to look at the list of girls who made the football team. There was a bunch of girls waiting. I was of course the last to show up to look. Which only made me extra anxious to see the list. You could tell which girls did make the team, and you could tell which girls didn't. The ones who did make it had an excited look on their face. The others looked let down. I was getting closer to the front of the line. Once I was there I looked up and down the list. I found my name. I was screaming inside my head. I am so excited I made the team. But I am also worried. With practice and games, I'll have less time to see Harry after school.

We still have a good half an hour before class started, So I decided to go to Harry's classroom before class, to tell him the good news. I walked rather quickly towards his classroom. Once I had reached the door, I walked in but he wasn't in there. He must not have gotten to school yet. I decided I would wait for him. I took a seat in his chair and turned away from the door waiting for him to arrive. I looked through his desk, hoping he wouldn't mind. I found papers that still need to be graded and papers that had already been graded. I heard someone open the door, so I quietly took my hand away from the papers before they had the chance to see me. I hope it's Harry and not a janitor or something.

They started singing, "It's Time" By Imagine Dragons. I knew it was Harry then, Because of his perfect voice, and that is the song we sang together yesterday in his car.

I waited for him to get closer to his desk. Before I turned around to face him. I spun the chair around quickly. "Hello Harry" I said and winked.

"Hello Ceciley" He said sounding shocked to see me here.

"No, no. That's Ms.Butler to you" I said playing teacher.

"Oh, pardon me. Hello Ms.Butler" He said.

"Harry, You have been trouble lately in my class, Would you like to explain yourself" I said and grabbed hi pointer from his desk, I pointed at him.

"Well you see, Ms.Butler, There's this girl in class, That I really just can keep my hands off of" He said and grabbed both arms of the chair so that I couldn't get up from the chair. His face was now only about a foot away from mine.

"Oh really now, What is this girls name" I asked.

"Well, It starts with a C, Ceciley I think her name is" He said, making himself sound confused.

"Well, I am not sure if I approve of this girl" I said leaning in closer to him. He leaned in closer as well.

"And why not Ms.Butler" He asked.

"Because she gets to do this when ever she wants" I said and leaned in and kissed him. I grabbed behind his neck playing with a few of his curls. To change thing up a bit, I bit his bottom lip, but not to hard. I just wanted entrance, which he kindly let me have. "Ceciley, Not here. Not with all these people here, It would be different if it was after school" He said and pulled away.

"Sorry" I said and leaned back in his chair.

"No, Your fine. I shouldn't have lead you on like that. I would love to be able to do that but its to risky"

"I came here to tell you something" I said changing the subject.

"What" he asked.

"I made the team" I said.

"Congratulations Ceciley" He said and hugged me.

"Thanks, But you know what this means, Right" I asked.

"What does this mean"

"I wont get to stay after with you a lot, I'll be having practice and games"

"I'll come to your games, and your mom know about you an I so we can hang out outside of school now"

He does have a point, don't get me wrong, I want to be on the team, and I am excited that I am, But being with Harry is more important to me.

"I guess your right" I said.

"We'll still see each other a lot"

"I know. But not as much as we usually would"

*** *** ***

We talked about if for a few more minutes, until the first bell rang, Telling me it was time to go to first period.

"I'll see you in sixth period" I said walking to the door.

"Ok, Love you" He said as I was waking towards the door.

"Love you too" I said before opening the door and walking out.

As I walked out, I was getting looks from teenage girls. Who fancy Mr. Styles, and think they have a chance with him. I guess I'm really lucky I got him when I did. Because if I didn't hard telling which one of these wanna be girls would have him.

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My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now