Chapter 24

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A/N: WARNING. Intense. I think this is the most intense thing I've written!

I walked into my sixth period class thankful to be the first one so I could talk to Harry alone.

"Hey Ceciley, How'd your day been" He asked as I sat my things down on my desk.

"Slow, unbelievably slow" I answered walking over to his desk.

"I'm sorry babe, I'll try to make the lesson quick so you can have some time for yourself then we can go home" He said.

"Thanks babe" I said, and kissed his cheek quickly before someone walked in on us.

"What are the chances that when we get home you'd want to, maybe give me a nice massage" I asked.

"We'll just have too see" He winked. I smiled knowing he would, he chuckled. The door soon opened signaling us to act as student teacher rather than boyfriend girlfriend.

"So, what did I miss while I was absent" I asked, as if that's why I was at his desk.

"we're working on speeches, you need to research a topic which has to be approved by me, I'll give you until tomorrow to get a topic" He said, I knew that he was only saying these things in front of the other students.

I nodded and walked back to my seats and waited for Carson and Liam to get to class. Harry walked out with some papers I assume to make some copies or something. I heard the people behind me begin to whisper to one another. I couldn't make out everything they were saying but there was a few word I could hear rather clearly as if it was their intention for me to hear. Words like, Slut, Ugly, Fat. I'm pretty sure they were talking about me, but I would like to think they weren't. I know they all have a thing for Harry and just because actually speaks to at school, they get jealous.

Carson finally walked in Liam following closely behind. I sat up in my desk as they sat they bags down on beside their desk's. "Thank God your here" I said quietly.

"Why what happened" Carson asked.

"They were whispering to each other, I'm pretty sure they were talking about me. It was getting pretty awkward"

"Do you want me to confront them for you" Carson asked.

"No, things will just get worse, I'm pretty sure it was because I was with Harry when they walked in and they were getting jealous because I was talking to him and they weren't, I am actually getting pretty tired of all these girls having crushes on him"

"Are you sure, I mean I think I can take 'em" She said, I laughed along with Liam.

"What, Look at these guns" She said flexing her muscles.

"Nothing babe, I just think you better set your pretty little self down before they come over here" He said and I began to laugh more.

Harry walked in and looked at us, I'm sure he was wondering what the hell I was laughing at. He shook his head slightly as he continued over to his desk, the warning bell finally rang, and more student began walking in the room talking their seats. Girls walking over to his desk. I was the one beginning to get jealous now.

"Mr. Styles, Do you have a girlfriend" I heard one of them ask. Why would you ask your teacher that? If he answers her question, he better not say no. I don't want him letting our secret go, but it would hurt me more than anything if he were to say no.

"As a matter of fact, I do" He said. I smiled a little, I could feel eyes on me, I looked up to see Carson and Liam smirking at me.

"What's her name" Another one asked.

My Sixth Period Secret (Student/Teacher) Harry Styles Fanfiction *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now