Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

                We stood in the middle of the hallway staring at each other. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I glanced at the clock on the wall. The bell was going to ring in a few minutes. Without saying a word, I turned around and made my way to the principal’s office. I knew I should’ve said something to Harry, but I didn’t know what to say. For some reason apologies never came easy to me. When I hurt someone emotionally, I never cared. Until now.

                I was standing in front of the principal’s office. I was scared. No teacher has ever sent me to the principal’s, and I’ve been bad a lot. I technically should’ve been expelled already for participating in a pot smoking circle at homecoming last year, but they didn’t catch me doing it. When I saw some chaperones coming I fled into the locker room.

                I slowly turned the knob on the door. I walked inside and sat down on one of the gray leather chairs. The principal, Mr. Noor, was sitting in his large, red swivel chair with his hands folded on his desk. He frightened me.

                “Miss Hudson,” he said, nodding his head. I placed my backpack carefully on the ground. I nodded back at him.

                “So Mr. Welles phoned me a few minutes ago and told me you caused a scene in his classroom and gave him the middle finger?” He pulled a piece of paper with writing on it out of his desk drawer. He turned around and opened a file cabinet behind him. He started shuffling through papers.

                “Um, yea,” I said, trying to figure out what he was doing.

                “What exactly was the scene that you caused?” He pulled a folder out of a file and swiveled his chair back around to face me.

                “I don’t really think of it as “causing a scene.” Harry was just looking at me so I said “what” a little too loudly and Mr. Welles got all mad. I didn’t do anything to get in trouble.”

                “Except flip him off?” He slapped the folder down on the desk. I noticed my name written at the top of the folder. My face paled. It was my permanent record.

                “Well, yea.”

                “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, Miss Hudson. You’ve gotten an extreme amount of detentions in the past year, and it’s embarrassing to know we have a student like this. I’m afraid I’m going to have to start putting everything you’ve done wrong on your permanent record.”

                “But what about college?” I never really thought about going to college; that just sort of slipped out.

                “I’m surprised you mentioned that. If you keep up your current behavior I’m afraid no college would want to accept you.”

                “But isn’t it based on grades?”

                “Yes, it is. But your grades are worse than your attitude.” He flipped through the pages in the folder.

                “I do not have an attitude.” I crossed my arms.

                “Maybe we should put you in counseling.” He bent down to grab something that fell on the floor.

                “No!” I screamed at him. I stood up. “I will not go to counseling! I am perfectly fine!” I grabbed my backpack and ran for the door. When I opened it Harry was sitting on the floor in the hallway.   

The Tutor: A Harry Styles/One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now