Chapter 9: Cullen

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I woke up in strong arms and sighed. Last week was amazing. Being in heat was crazy. Paul and I only stopped making love in order to eat and sleep. It was crazy. We ended up going to his place after the first time because Paul felt bad about going against my father's rules. So we spent the week at his place. I was behind my studying which sucked. I was on break last week, but now it's back to school and back to cramming to make up for all the time Paul made me miss. In other words Paul is miserable. He hates that I have no time for him and I feel bad, but I really need to get this completed.

"Grace! Paul and Jared are here!" I groan and came down the stairs.

"I already told you two I need to work-ahhh! Jared put me down!" I screamed and Bella came down the stairs with a frown.

"I'm trying to study, Grace."

"Don't worry Isabella we were just leaving." Jared said earning a glare from her. "Come on Grace. We are abducting you for today. You need fresh air instead of your bedroom air. Charlie gave us permission. Bye Charlie!" He yelled and my dad waved bye.

"Oh you are sooo going to get it dad. I'm not making you any food for a month." I snapped as we walked out. "And you! Oh you aren't even going to be able to kiss my cheek never mind sleep with me!" I growled and Paul just laughed.

"You forget who is more crazy about sex." I glared at him.

"Shut up! And Jared you can forget ever having me help you again!" I snapped and they both just laughed.

"Sorry, Grace we don't-" Jared stopped and put me down handing me to Paul. Both now serious. I turned and saw a guy with pale skin and odd brownish gold eyes get out of a fancy black car. He started up the driveway. "Cullen." Jared spat.

"Mutts." The 'Cullen' snarled before walking passed us and to the house.

"Since when do you have a fucken Cullen at your house?!" Paul snapped angrily.

"I don't know. He's dating Bella. He hasn't come here before though."

"That you know of." Paul growled glaring at the house. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you stay here with him around." Paul growled and I frown.

"What do you mean, Paul?" I asked and he turned to me.

"We talked about it before. You moving in with me. Come on, move in with me. I don't want you here. It's dangerous. I don't want you near no leech." I frowned.


"Grace, I love you. I don't want you to get hurt. Move in with me. We both know it's the one thing we really want." I bit my lip.

"Hmm and how would I study if I were to move in?"

"I spend a lot of my time at Sam's and on Patrol. Study then." I smiled and kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. "Is that a yes?" I sighed.

"I'll tell my dad tonight that I'm moving in with you. Give me two days to get everything packed okay." He nod and kissed me.

"Okay." He said and I smiled.

"Can we go to the beach now? I wanna have you two cool off. All this heat is making me sick." I rolled my eyes and jumped on Jared's back.

"To the beach!" He laughed and held my legs to keep me from falling before we all took off for the beach.

The boys cliff dived, while Emily and I watched. It looked dangerous, but they're werewolves so it couldn't be that bad for them. "Hey sweety." Paul said kissing my temple.

"Hey Paul." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Have you gotten any sleep?"

"I've been trying to study hard in order to catch up on what you made me miss all last week." He snickered at that.

"It's not my fault you were in heat." I blushed as the guys laughed and Emily gave me a sympathetic smile. I glared darkly at him.

"Well maybe the Cullens-

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence Grace Swan." Paul warned. I giggled and he kissed me. "Come on. I'll get you back home." I nod and together we headed back.

When we got back my dad looked moody. "What's wrong daddy?"

"Bella went out with Edward Cullen to play baseball with his family." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you mad? You weren't mad when Paul and I started dating... well you got over it."

"That's different. You're all grown up, Bella isn't." True in more ways than one.

"Speaking of which. Daddy, Paul and I have been talking." I said and my dad looked at me.

"And?" I sighed and sat down across from him.

"And Paul wants me to move in with him."

"What? But you've only been dating for-

"For two months." Paul said nodding. "And I know it's really soon, but Charlie I love your daughter and I want to spend my life with her. I know it's too soon for that, but I want to go with the next step and have her move in. I promise you I'll protect your little girl. She means the world to me Charlie. I'd do anything for her." Paul said and I smiled softly at him. He wrapped an arm around me pulling me close to his side. I could see my dad was thinking.

"You protect my daughter?" Paul nods causing my dad to sigh. "Alright you have my blessing to move in with him, but I want you to visit as often as you can and call daily." I nod and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you daddy. I will." I say smiling. "And don't worry Paul and I have decided I'd move in, in two days." I said and he nod.

"Good. Now about dinner."

"Nope. I already said you would get no cooked meals. You let them abduct me from my studies." I said and this made my dad pout.

"But after two days I won't have your cooking anymore." I sighed.

"Fine, but no more meals after two days." He nods and I started on super.

"You're going to make a great mom." Paul said kissing my shoulder.

"No kids, no wedding, no none of that for at least a year." I roll my eyes as I heard my dad say this.

"What if I was-

"You better not be." He said and I laughed.

"Relax I'm not. I'm just messing with you." I smiled and kissed Paul before getting to work.

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