The basement.

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It was dark. Really dark. The, I can't see anything, kind of dark. Somewhere in that darkness, was a girl, a women. The woman was sitting against a wall, her head resting between her knees, hands covering her ears. She looked scared. She was scared.

A door opened. Someone walked into the darkness, a man, dressed in a black suit. He walked towards the woman and pulled her up. He was right in front of her now. The man, who was shorter than she was, started talking. 'So, you are supposed to be.. Emma Swan'. He said with a voice that made the woman shiver. She thought for a moment, then answered. 'Yes'. She said softly. The man grinned and made some weird kind of giggle. He touched her face. The woman, apparently named Emma, froze. His hands felt cold on her face. 'Nice to meet you, Emma'. Emma sighted, trying to encourage herself. 'Who are you and why did you take me here?' The man looked at her and smiled. His eyes went up and down, scanning Emma. After a while the man started to talk. "I don't think I can tell you who I am, dearie." He giggled again. Emma looked at him. Who was this man? What does he want from her? "You are here, Emma.." the man began, "because you are very special, very valuable." Emma didn't understand. She was just a women. A lost girl who didn't matter. Emma has been alone her whole life, she grew up without parents. She build her own little house when she was younger and has lived there ever since. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. The man spoke again. "Have you ever seen magic, Emma?" What kind of question was that? Of course she has, there were several witches and all sorts of people with magic in her village. There even was a walking broomstick. "Yes, of course I have." Emma answered. There was the giggle again. "You are very special Emma, very special." And with that, the man disappeared. He didn't walk away, he just disappeared.

He left Emma there, confused, full with questions. What did he mean? Why is she so special? Who is he? He obviously has some kind of magic. Emma sighted, this visit got her nothing except more questions. The door opened again. It was a guard with some food, he shove the plate with the food in the dark room and closed the door again. Emma walked to the food and knelt down. She had no idea what it was, but it didn't smell so bad, so she decided to taste it. She took a bite, it wasn't good, but it wasn't disgusting either, so she just ate it, she was hungry. Emma had no idea what time it has and for how long she didn't eat, but it felt like it was days ago. She drank the water, she was so thirsty, her mouth and throat were so dry that she could barely swallow the food. When she finished it, she sat back against the wall again. She stared at the door. Suddenly it opened and two guards came walking in. They grabbed her arms and bulled a bag on her head. They took her outside of the dark room, up the stairs. Emma had no idea where they were going or what was happening. She didn't fight the guards, it was pointless, she had nowhere to run to any way. They pushed her down on a chair and pulled the bag off her head. The creepy man was in front of her, it wasn't dark here, so she could really see him now. His hair was kind of long, he was dressed in a suit and was probably around 50 years old. He smiled. Next to him was a spinning wheel. "I got a little test for you" he said while looking at the spinning wheel. "I want you to spin. I want to see what you can do."

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