Chapter 2: A Game

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I wonder, da'len, when it becomes socially acceptable to strike a person for their stupidity. F.H.

The message made a pleasant sound of whisking away, causing a few heads to turn towards him. Pairs of eyes leered at him from across the table.

Solas raised a hand in apology and clicked the silence on the side of his phone. He caught the time on the screen with dread. Had it only been over a half hour?

Was the Orlesian really still speaking?

"...arguably, our culture is just as old as the Elvhen..."

Oh how he wanted to hit this man. But he supposed desire for something did not make it correct, an idea the Orlesian needed a lesson in.

He leaned back in his chair, glancing at the others in the conference room and wondering if they were all as deeply contemplative as they appeared.

If they were, this debate was already lost.

His phone vibrated on the table. More glares.

He ignored them, sliding the device into his cradled hands and swiping to expose the new message.

—Ellana 4:36pm
are there kids on your lawn hahren?

His smile appeared of its own accord, thumb tracing across the message.

She always seemed to—

No, he hadn't delved too much thought into this exchange and he wouldn't now.

Oh you think you are clever. Because I'm old? No. I am referring to the idiocy of people my own age. F.H.

It didn't take long for her to answer, but as usual the anticipation had his fingers itching. She was...pleasant to speak to. They had been sending messages for nearly two weeks now. He never realized how such simple communication could be so... gratifying.

—Ellana 4:37pm
Im sure they really want to punch you too. lol

He had to cup his mouth with his hand to stop himself from snorting out loud. Right she was.

I would gladly take a punch if it would liven this meeting. F.H.

"...we must all understand this isn't an argument of legalities but an argument of honor."

Solas glared at the man at the podium. His thickly curled accent added to the grating sensation of having to listen to such nonsense. Couldn't he have just come for--

His fingers warmed with the vibration of a new text.

—Ellana 4:38pm
if you're bored we can play a game.

He couldn't answer fast enough.

A game? Is it my turn to "lol"? F.H.

Solas sat back, ignoring the subtle glances his way as he lost all attempt to appear engaged in the lecture.

But Ellana took longer than usual to answer and he couldn't control his sudden curiosity.

He tried to ignore it, telling himself he was acting like one of his students, glued to the phone for a conversation of little importance. Funny now that he understood the addiction.

She had done that to him.

Well? What is this game? I still have some time before I am to speak. F.H.

He felt childish—but forgot the insecurity when she answered.

—Ellana 4:41pm
sorry distracted.
okay I will list you some things and your gonna tell me if you see them. Like I spy. Like...
is there a coffee pot in the room?

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