Chapter 22: Trivia

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—Ellana 9:46pm
hahren i need your help
im at trivia night with friends
category is history
what is the full name of the tevinter divine?
none of us are tevinter

—F.H. 9:47pm
Are you allowed to text others in such games?  F.H.

—Ellana 9:47pm
I wont tell if you wont

—F.H. 9:48pm
In that case the full name of the current 'Black' Divine is Urian Nihalias.
Coincidentally he usurped his predecessor after some rather unsavory political maneuvering.
The man might as well have killed him.
Ridiculous affair within the magistrate at the time. F.H.

—Ellana 9:49pm
just needed the name not the lesson professor!

—F.H. 9:50pm
But where is the fun in that, da'len? F.H.

—F.H. 9:56pm
Well Ellana? How many points? F.H.

—F.H. 10:00pm
Ellana? F.H.

—Ellana 10:12pm
they disqualified us and took away my phone

—F.H. 2:22pm
Are you near a Television?
Switch to the news. RNB if you have that station. F.H.

—Ellana 2:24pm
who even says television anymore?
just say tv

—F.H. 2:25pm
Are you watching? F.H.

—Ellana 2:26pm
no Im not home
whats happening?

—F.H. 2:26pm
They are releasing the Elvhen Murderer.
Twelve young girls in the Free Marches.
Insane they say, but convenient when his father is a judge. F.H.

—Ellana 2:28pm
I heard about that!
he was arrested really close to my clan

—F.H.  2:29pm
I did not think you from the Free Marches.
Somehow I assumed you were Ferelden or an Orlesian settlement. F.H.

—Ellana 2:29pm
I moved here for school

—F.H. 2:29pm
That is a very far journey for school. F.H.

—Ellana 2:30pm
and where are you from ha'hren?
you don't sound ferelden.

—F.H. 2:31pm
Hah! Nice try. F.H.

—Ellana 2:31pm
oh come on
the dales? rivain?
you sound sort of from starkhaven

—F.H. 2:32pm
Ah yes, you've caught me now Ellana.
I am a rogue Starkhaven teacher of ancient history living in Ferelden for the lenient taxes. F.H.

—Ellana 2:33pm
thats it
im assuming youre secretly a dwarf then

Incoming Call [F.H.]
1 Missed Call  [F.H.]
Incoming Call [F.H.]
2 Missed Calls [F.H.]

—F.H. 4:40pm
Forgive me. F.H.

—Ellana 4:41pm
lol what is happening!?

—F.H. 4:41pm
Apologies, I am not meaning to call you.
The screen has broken and seems to misunderstand my direction.
You are listed in favorites and it reverts to calling you. F.H.

—Ellana 4:42pm
im in your favorites?

—F.H. 4:42pm
You are actually my only favorite, if I am being completely honest. F.H.

—Ellana 11:21am
been thinking about you today

—F.H. 11:24am
It is only morning.
The day has just started.
Have you been thinking of me since waking? F.H.

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