Who Am I?

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                                                                            13 Facts About Me

1. I wear hearing aids because I have Moderate hearing loss in both ears, as well as, Audio Processing Disorder. I am what you'd call, Hard of Hearing, or, HOH. 

2. I am fluents in PSE and SEE sign language and moderately skilled in ASL.

3. I absolutely HATE cotton balls.

4. My favorite book series is the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers.

5. I am utterly head over heals in love with a man named Tyler. (He's profoundly deaf and I love it!!)

6. I love scary/creepy movies.

7.My favorite season is Fall and my second favorite season is Spring.

8. I don't like watermelon or cantaloupe. They're too smooshy and they smell weird.

9. One day, I dream of owning a little piece of land, out in the country, so that I can raise a family and care for animals and a garden.

10. I have SO MANY stories inside of my head but enough time to write them down.

11. Sometimes I dream about the perfect story and when I wake up, I try to write it all down.

12. I have a beautiful Pug named Noel and she is my best friend. My pride and joy. She makes me so very happy.

13. MOST IMPORTANT: I am a Christian and a daughter of the most high God. I surrendered my life to Christ when I was 11 years old and I have spent every year after that nourishing a loving relationship with Him. I'm flawed. I make mistakes. I get angry. But I try my best to make Him proud and to spread the gospel.

                                            Who Am I?          Well, I am ME :-) 

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