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1. Who is your favorite villain or superhero and why?

     My favorite villain would more than likely be, Poison Ivy. She is excellent at blending in and manipulating her surrounds and she is very lethal. Not mention, pretty. I love how well Uma Thurman portrayed her in the Batman movie. My favorite superhero would have to be Hawkeye. (comic book version only!) In the comic books he is deaf and knows sign language. I love that there's a deaf superhero. Also, Deadpool is his best friend and he knowns some sign language as well so Deadpool and Hawkeye communicate very easily. I love it!

2. What type of tea or coffee do you like?

     I don't like coffee but I love tea. My favorite teas are Earl Grey, Irish Breakfast, and Green Tea. YUM!!

3. Where in the world would you play your favorite board game and which historical figure or author do you want to play with.

     My favorite board game would either be Things, Monopoly, or Twister. (Twister counts!) If I could pick anywhere in the world to play it, I would say in a cabana, by the beach, in New Zealand. I would want to play with either Anne Frank or Helen Keller (or both). Or with my favorite author, Francine Rivers. 

4. If you had a choice, which book would you like to live in and why?

     I would want to live in the Bible (New Testament) so that I could meet Jesus. Or in the Old Testament, next door to Enoch, so that I could walk and talk with God and him every day.

solaralunarix, here are the answers to your questions. :-) 

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