Chapter 1

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I stared out at the dark blue sea in front of me. The sun had faded away long ago and now the only light that danced on the deep blue waves were the artificial street lamps that were scattered all across Manchester. I hoisted myself up onto the large bridges slender railing and carefully climbed over it. I held onto the railing and let myself sink forwards, staring down trying to see my reflection in the water, but the bridge was so high up all I could see were the lights from the cars as thy hurried past. Maybe today would be the day I do it. The day I finally jump. The day I finally say goodbye to all my tormentors. Nobody would miss me, not the kids at school and especially not my family. It would probably take them a few weeks to even realize I was gone. If I just let go it would all be over. No more pain, no more loneliness. Done. I had done this many times before, contemplated jumping from this bridge, but something always stopped me. I felt like there was something I still hadn't done. I sighed. I guess this was just another failed attempt at trying to end it all. Way to chicken out again Dan. You can't do anything right, you can't even kill yourself for Gods Sake! I was about to turn around and hoist myself back onto the safety of the bridge when I heard a deep soothing voice behind me.

"Don't do it." The voice made me jump and I almost slipped but I was pulled back in place by a pair of warm arms. I panted, my heart racing from the adrenaline of almost falling. Almost dying. I almost did it. That was the closest I had ever gotten, even though I didn't really do it on purpose, I felt a bit of morbid glee. Maybe now next time I could do it for real.
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to make sure you didn't do it." I felt my body get pulled up over the railing and my shaking legs made contact on the ground. I turned around and looked at the man that had just called out to me. He was almost the same height as me- which was pretty rare seeing as I'm 6'3"- except he was about an inch shorter. He had ebony black hair that was in an almost identical style to mine and he had one of the most concerned looks I had ever seen plastered on his face. Why does he look so worried?

"Do what?" I found myself asking. He looked at me like I was asking a question with an obvious answer, but my head was pretty jumbled right now just trying to process why this stranger had saved me. Why he seemed to care so much. Why he was even talking to me.

"Jump. I just- I don't know. I wanted to make sure you were alright." I stared at him wide eyed.

"I wasn't going to jump." Technically it wasn't a lie. I was about to chicken out. His face looked skeptical and he rolled his eyes.

"Sure. Let me guess you just wanted to get a closer look at the propellers?" I couldn't help but laugh at the Titanic reference.

"Well even if I was, I'm not Kate Winslet, and your no Leonardo DiCaprio. Even if I was, what I do with my life is my business. I don't need anyone to pretend to give a shit thanks." I Nearly cringed as the words left my mouth but the stranger seemed unaffected. Why was I being so open around him? Why was I talking to him so comfortably? Normally I was an awkward ball of social anxiety when I met new people.

"I'm not pretending to give a shit. I genuinely care about you. I would be really sad if you died." I furrowed my brows, confused.

"Why would you be sad if I died? You don't even know me." He looked away awkwardly.

"Well I guess you just seem like a really good guy. The kinda guy I would wanna be friends with." I chuckled cynically.

"You don't know what I'm like. Believe me you wouldn't want to be friends with me. I'm just an outcast. A waste of space." I quoted the kids at school. He just shook his head.

"Dan Howell, I would be honoured if you would be my friend." I stared at him. What am I supposed to say to that? It was obvious he was just trying to be nice. No one would want to be friends with someone who they thought was just about to jump off a bridge.

"Fine, you'll just get bored of me in a few days anyway and realize you made a mistake." I looked up at him. He was smiling. Like not just a little polite smile, bit a full blown beam of sunshine smile.

"I promise I won't. I could never get bored of you. Oh crud! Im sorry but I'm super late for work. Here." He handed me a slip of paper with 10 digits scribbled neatly in red pen. "This is my number. Message me as soon as you get home so I know you made it back safe. Bye Dan!" I watched as be ran off. I looked down at the numbers written down smiling to myself. My next question didn't even hit me until a few minutes later.

How the hell did he know my name?


Hiya internet unicorns! So I've decided to just stop procrastinating and finally write a Phanfic. Now I know that my idea has already been kinda done, but I will be adding in some twists and turns that you wouldn't expect! So I would really appreciate if you'd continue reading and give me some feedback. Thank you and have a lovely day!

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