Chapter II

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Anastasia is waiting up for me when I arrive back to our apartment. She is sitting on the couch watching a movie as she pats the seat next to her.

"Come sit down and tell me everything." She says. "Starting with why you went to visit William."

I take the seat next to her, propping my feet up.

"So why did you want to go visit William?" Anastasia asks.

I stare at Anastasia trying to figure out how to tell her that I am pregnant without her freaking out on me. She raises her eyebrows at me, her own eyes boring into my head.

"Oh, I see. You don't want to tell me," her face turns into a frown. I can't help but to feel guilty for hurting Anastasia's feelings.

" no it's not that I just don't know how to tell you without you getting upset with me." I tell her.

"I'm not going to get upset." Anastasia says.

Taking a deep breath I come out and say it, "I'm pregnant?" I squeeze my eyes closed waiting for her to yell at me.

I don't feel any pain in my arm or hear screaming, this makes me open my eyes. Anastasia is sitting next to me in shock; her mouth hangs open. A sound that is a mixture of the squeal and a yell pass her lips.

"When did that happen?" She asks astonished.

"The night of the charity event." I reply.

Anastasia's eyes lighten up. She gets up from her chair pulling me into a hug. Knowing my friend and how she hardly ever shows her affection to anyone I am very surprised that she is hugging me right now.

"I'm going to be the godmother, right?" She asks.


Anastasia pulls me out of our hug. She looks down at my stomach and pokes it. "There's really a person in there, huh?" Ana continues to look at my stomach, a small smile is on her face. I'm not too sure if she was asking me that question or not.

"So... what did William say when you told him he was going to be a father?" Anastasia asks.

"He said that he wants proof. I have no idea how I am going to show him proof before the baby is born but I'm sure I can figure it out somehow." I exhale the breath that I have been holding in.

It looks like I'm going to need to do some research on that first.

"Did you tell him that you were a virgin before? Were you a virgin before?" Ana wonders.

"No I didn't tell him that I was a virgin and yes I was a virgin. There wouldn't have been a point in telling him that I was a virgin because I don't think it would have changed his mind any."

He would have just thought of a way to say that the baby wasn't his.

I get up from the couch to retrieve my laptop. When I reenter the living room Ana is watching a show.

"What are we watching?" I ask her.

"Grimm," she answers.

My attention reverts back to my computer as I look up ways to get a DNA test while pregnant. The first thing I search is paternity tests, as I had expected it mainly gives me a list of ways to have a paternity test after the baby is born. Knowing that I may have to edit what I am searching for, I type harmless ways to have a paternity test while pregnant.

With that search multiple links about paternity kits and tests pop up on the screen.

"What do you want to eat?" Anastasia asks.

"I'll make myself a salad and chicken." I answer.

Anastasia puts the TV on pause. "Do you want baked chicken or fried chicken?"

"Doesn't matter to me."

There is a link that says paternal testing. It makes me curious so I click on it. An article with small print covers my computer screen. I read over what it says until about mid-paragraph. Once I read small but significant chance of miscarriage I exit the website.

I continue on scrolling through the rest of the links. There is one that I find out about paternal DNA. This one doesn't seem bad. All I have to do is get my blood drawn and William's drawn.

Looks like I'm going to get my blood drawn.

I close my computer and return it to my room. For the remainder of the night I eat, watch TV with Anastasia, and do my homework.


My alarm clock doesn't go off in the morning. So when I wake up it is a quarter until nine. This doesn't give me much time to get ready for school and get there on time. If I am lucky I will get there before he starts his lecture.

As quickly as I can, I manage to take a shower, brush my teeth, and grab something quick to eat on my way out of the house.

The drive to get on campus takes no longer than ten minutes. By this time it is nearly nine-thirty. I speed walk up the three steps and along the corridor leading me to my professor's classroom. I flench when the door creaks with each push I give it. Being as quiet as I can I close it.

"Nice to see that you could join us, Ms. Sanders."

I look to my professor. His arms are crossed over his chest.

"Are you going to stand there for the remainder of class or are you going take your seat?" He asks sarcastically.

"I think I'm going to take a seat." I would have liked to say something smart back to my professor but I think that just might have gotten me kicked out of class.

Slightly flushed, I find an empty seat in the back of the classroom. Where I could keep to myself.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. As my professor speaks my phone vibrates. A text message from an unknown phone number pops up.

This is William. We need to talk. As soon as possible.

How did he get my phone number?

It dawns on me then that he must have contacted Anastasia.

A thousand different thoughts rummage through my brain but the only one that I can think about is the DNA test that he can take.

Where would you like me to meet you?

He will have to wait until seven when I am finished with all of my classes.

Come to this address at five. 433567 Queen Hill Lane.

I can come at seven.

That's fine. He responds quickly to my message.

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