For Your Love

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Chapter 1:

Scrubbing a oven is the most atrocious, time consuming task that nobody but the damned should do.

One, the oven stinks like a three week old unrefrigerated spinach casserole that your mom brought over because shes worried that all you've eaten is roman noodles.

Two, I've just gotten home from a two hour lecture on how manure can be beneficial toward our environment and I seriously don't feel like doing this. All I want to do is take a nice hot bubble bath and curl up in bed with one of my hundred novels. But of course whatever Drew says goes, and this weeks ridiculous job is to clean the oven.

I used all my strength to scrub a particular uncooperative grime that was stuck to the side of the oven. Almost half of the oven was clean, and by clean I mean sparkling, the other side still had god knows what on it. Frustrated, I blew a piece of my scarlet hair away from my face to have it fall right back into my eye sight.

I let out a groan and something clicked in me. A determination like none before was born inside me and was now ready to give this oven a run for its money. Get ready oven I'm coming for you.

~An Hour Later~

When I finally stood up from my sitting position, I was glad to say that my sore limbs were not in vain. The oven now sparkled all over, not a once of dirt or crumb in sight. Pulling my arms over my head I stretched out my tired arms until I heard a satisfying crack, that in turn, brought some ease on my arms. I sighed finally able to rest, I looked down at my watch and saw its was a quarter to five. Drew wouldn't be home until seven so I still had about thirty minutes to clean after I took a shower an made diner.

After putting the leftover pasta from yesterday into the microwave, I rushed up stairs into the bathroom. I so thankful to whoever invented pressure shower heads when the scorching water soothed my aching muscles. I quickly wrapped a fluffy towel around my petite body, and padded back into the hall. As I walked down the hall I saw that Drew's door was slightly open. Being the good sister that I was I decided to have a quick peek inside. Like usual his clothes were all over the floor, candy wrappers and soda cans littered his desk along with his laptop which he forgot to close.

My subconscious told me to step away, to go back into my room and forget whatever you thought you saw.

But I've always been a trouble maker.

I quickly put on some yoga pants and a coral tank top and walked back into Drew's room. I pulled my legs under me as I sat on his desk. The laptop screen flash to life as my thumb skipped over the mouse pad. A blue background asked for a four digit password.

Damn, what would my brother use as his password? I thought to my self as I twirled a piece of my hair around my ring finger. I tried his birthday, mine, and my mums.

I hesitantly typed in my father's birthday, praying that wasn't it. The biggest sigh of relief left my mouth when, in big red letters, it read Incorrect Password.

Okay, what did I really know about my brother. He was two years older than me and was a junior in collage, he had brown eyes and blonde hair (like my mother), always was sneaking around or telling a dirty joke.

An idea popped in my head and I instantly knew what the password was.


Boys are so disgusting.

The screen opened up to revel a picture of some band Drew was into at the moment. The thing about Drew is that he could never stick to one thing. One week it was some heavy metal band blasting through his speakers the next it was some new Osher song. So I wasn't really surprised when I saw a couple of emails from a new girl he was chatting up.

That whole never-sticking-to-one-thing deal didn't exclude girlfriends. My brother could get a girl faster then you could say 'Player'. Almost every saturday night he would bring a new girl home, sleep with her and then never speak to her again. While that was happening I was sitting on my bed, Lana Del Ray softly singing from my speakers and studying. My brother was always good at the opposite sex, I however am not.

I'm a freshmen in collage and I have never had a boyfriend. No guy has really taken an interest in me and I'm perfectly fine with that. After watching what my mom went through, I hope a boy never takes an interest in me.

Feeling the tears soak my shirt as my mother cried on me, the soft strands of her hair beneath my fingertips as I gently stroked her hair trying to calm her. All those memories of bruises and blood has made me distance myself from the gender entirely.

I came across a email address that was unfamiliar to me, my eyebrows furrowed together as I read paragraph after paragraph from both my brother and the sender. My eyes widen into saucers when I realized who he was talking to. My chest started heaving up an down with anger.

Why the hell would he do this!

I printed out the documents and locked his laptop back up. I stormed back into my room, pure unadulterated anger consumed me. All I saw was red as I grabbed my hair brush and threw it at the mirror.

The mirror cracked, leaving it broken. I stared at my reflection, my crimson hair came out of its pony tale some where in between my rampage and was sticking out in all directions, my round sapphire eyes, the ones I was named after, were wide with anger and a frown was embedded onto my full lips. The mirror was broken, and it showed a broken girl back.

I snatched my phone an my keys off the dresser and ran down stairs. I slammed an locked the door behind me. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't see the person that was heading right towards me.

I landed on floor painfully. "Great! Could this day get any worse?!" I shouted toward the ceiling hopefully the universe would cut me some slack.I caught a large hand in the corner of my eye and turned my head.

There stood a tall man, with a beanie and hoodie over his head. He also had dark sunglasses on so I couldn't see his face very well. Who the hell wears sunglasses inside an apartment building?

"Sorry I didn't see you there" he dropped his hand when I pulled myself up.

"Its fine" I grumbled, picking up my keys and phone, that some how fell during our exchange.

"Your apartment B23? I've moved just across the hall, apartment B13" he said smiling, showing off his dimples.

I laughed a bit, Mrs. MacEntire has been trying to rent that apartment forever. Something was wrong with the lighting fixture and everytime someone flushed the toilet the whole apartment rattled.

"Whats so funny?" He asked, he voice thick with confusion.

"Mrs. MacEntire has been trying to rent that apartment since lord knows, it has so many problems you'd be better off sleeping in the alleyways" I gave him a sympathetic smile, my anger moved to the side but not forgotten.

The man gave a rugged groan so deep that it would have brought any grown woman to their knees, not me though, it didn't faze me at all. He mumbled some incoherent profanities, which caused me to giggle.

A small smile was placed on his plump lips "Thanks for telling me, I'm Harry whats your name?"

"Sapphire, Sapphire Jones" I shook his hand, my palm still burned from our skin on skin contact after we let go.

"I have to go but uhm welcome" I stated after a couple of seconds of uncomfortable staring.

"Yea of course, see ya around" He mumbled and walked toward an open door I hadn't seen before. I quickly padded downstairs and toward my car.

I regained most of my anger by the time I stuck the key into the ignition of my car.

I drove toward the one place I felt safe.

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