For Your Love- Chapter 3

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A/N in the end, enjoy :)

Chapter 3:

For the last three days I've been locked up in my room, hiding from Drew. I didn't have the strength to yell or be angry at him anymore, so the next best solution was to avoid him.

Every time he came home I would either duck into the nearest hiding place or completely ignore his pleads and race back into my bedroom. My mum obviously told him what happened back at the house.

I mentally made a note to call her and apologize, as I lifted another box from where it was. A cloud of dust sprouted out of thin air and I let out a a throaty cough, waving my hand in front of me. I was moving some old boxes that my mom gave my brother when he moved out to make room for some of my things.

Another box tumbled out of my hands before I could comprehend what was happening. I groaned in annoyance when everything spilled out and onto the carpet flooring.

I got on my knees and started picking up things from my brothers sports awards to his kindergarden valentines day make shift cards. But when my fingers wrapped around a familiar object my eyes widen and I dropped it like it burned.

I just stared at the photo album before me, the blue vinyl was withering away with time, only some of it still intact. I swallowed down my anxiety and opened to the first page. It showed a tiny baby boy, eyes wide with curiosity at the new world he was thrusted into, my brother was premature,born four pounds six ounces. Flipping through the next few pages, there were numerous photos of my brother on holidays and birthdays.

On the fifth page, there was a certain picture that I thought I would never see. My father, as youthful as ever, was holding a 6-month-old Drew in his arms with a glory-filled smile that could make any father bow with envy.

Its not like I haven't seen a picture of my father when he was young, I have, its just I've never seen my father look so happy. The light in his eyes, the ear to ear grin plastered on his face, were all so unfamiliar to me that I couldn't help but wonder if it actually was my father.

With each passing page, the light in my father's eyes slowly faded out and his grin withered away until there was only a frown. After doing the math I realized that my father's happiness slowly drained away when Drew was two.

The age I was born. I always had that nagging thought in the back of my head that maybe I was the problem, that everything could have been avoided if I hadn't existed.

My father was always closer to my brother then he ever was to me. I was never a daddy's girl like most girls at my school. Him and my brother were like 2-peas-in-a-pod, before everything went to shit. I never really knew why he started drinking, to this day I still don't know.

I always had a feeling my father didn't like me as much as my brother and that hurt. What little girl wouldn't want to be loved by her father? But now, I know that it would have been better if I hadn't been born.

1. My mother would still be happily married, my brother would be talking to my father, and my father wouldn't be in prison for knocking a army man upside the head with a glass bottle, killing him.

2. I would have avoided a lifetime of cruel words and painful beatings if I wasn't here, on earth. I wouldn't have five times the amount of scars any normal human being would have.

Snapping out of my trance, I put the album back inside the box and decided to finish this another time. I suddenly felt the pressure of the world on my shoulders and I was both mentally and physically exhausted. Turning the knobs of the shower so that the warm water beat down on my sore, tired muscles.

The memories of yesterday played through my mind. The feeling of Harry's fingertips grazing my cheek, so gently as if I were porcelain and could break into a million pieces. The energy that passed through our gaze was something I had never experienced before, it was indescribable, I had no experience in anything dealing with the opposite sex so I didn't know what this feeling was.

And I was scared. I was scared on what this new emotion would do. It could possible destroy the wall I've put up against the world. And I couldn't risk that, never in a million years would I do that. It was the only way to ensure that what happened with my father would never happen again.

I've been fine all these years never experiencing those feelings, why would this start now?

Maybe because you've never found the right person until now, my subconscious snapped back wittily. I jumped from the random thought, right person? Surely there isn't such a thing.

I don't believe in the 'soul mates' or 'partner in life' bullshit. You find someone that makes you happy? Okay go ahead, enjoy em. But I know without a doubt that there is no such thing as a soul mate. If everyone was going to hurt you eventually, wouldn't that include your so called soul mate? That pain would intensify by about 100, so better off not setting your self up for heartbreak.

After getting dressed in my fluffy pjs, I snuggled into my bed ready for a good nights rest for the first time in weeks. Just as I was drifting into another world so much better than mine my phone started ringing with a familiar tune.

Groaning I reached for my phone an answered.

"What Drew?" I shouted, annoyed that he upset my perfect slumber.

"Sapph" he whispered. I shot up in my bed, I knew that tone of voice.

"I'm in trouble" he groaned, his voice much raspier than usual.

Oh fuck.


Sorry its short guys, im moving into a new house, its fucking huge btw, and all this weekend were moving so I wont be on so I just wanted to put this now so I wont leave you guys hanging lol. So what do you guys thinks happening to Drew hmmmm. I'm gonna start posting the characters in the next couple chapters so look out for that peeps. Bye! Have a nice weekend!

:) -Ali✨

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