For Your Love- Chapter 4

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A/N at the end, enjoy

Chapter 4:

Looking at my brother through iron bars was not something I ever thought would happen. But here I am, at the local police station, paying $200 damn dollars for my brother's bail.

I took in his ruffled and dirty appearance. It was quite foreign to see him all messed up, usually he always made sure he looked perfect before he walked out the front door, so when I saw her bruised eye, split lip and ripped shirt I was on the verge of hysterics on how funny it was.

My laughter was cut short of course, when he told me what had happened and how much the bail would cost.

"What the fuck were you thinking! Getting into a fucking fight over pool!? You're such a dumbass!" I yelled, pacing the front of the bars.

What my brother told me was that he was out drinking with his friends, hunting for his latest prey, when some guys asked his group if they wanted to play pool. They decided they wanted to make things a bit more interesting so they put money on whoever lost, knowing my brother was a sore loser I knew things wouldn't end well. After he refused to pay he and the other bloke started throwing punches, the bar tender called the cops and here we are.

He flinched at my tone and rolled his eyes, obviously not liking that I sound exactly like mum.

"How much did you have to pay the guy? I bet it wasn't as much as I have to pay!" I screamed, putting my head in my hands. The money I was going to use to pay for bail was for the groceries and to pay the electrical.

"Now we have to stay at mums house for a week because I'm not living without food or heat! How can you be such a fucking twat?!" My brother didn't really do anything like this often, this actually would be the first time in months. But when he did, he would sulk around the apartment from guilt.

But right now he looked far from guilty, he looked border line livid.

"Don't blame me! Blame the idiot over there! Hes the one that wanted me to pay 100 bucks!" He pointed to the next cell over, which held a man with his head between his legs and his fingers clasp around his kneck.

When I took a closer look my eyes widen in surprise, I knew those shaggy locks anywhere.

"Harry" I haven't seen nor heard from Harry since the incident in the front hall, I didn't really know what to say to him I was still trying to register an analyze what those weird feelings were when ever I was close to him.

As soon as his head lifted up in response and those eyes met mine, those pesky emotions were bubbling inside. He looked actually surprised I was there, and a bit scared.

"Sapph, you know this asshole?" He spat, glaring at Harry. Harry didn't even flinch, he just sat there staring at me. Drew kept trying to get my attention but I was in a trance, his eyes never letting mine go, like he was trying to tell me something through our gaze. I didn't even register the fact that he had stood up until he was inches from the bars.

"Hey" he stated cooly, smirking at me. My cheeks warmed at the gesture, my fingers gripped the bars a bit tighter.

"Harry you got into a fight with my brother" I stated putting my hands on my hips, finding it rather amusing. His eyes shined and his smirk grew into a full blown grin, I swear my eyes glazed over.

"Well he was a cheap twat, and he started it when I called him that" I threw a glare at my brother, who was now sitting in the small bed cursing under his breath. I should have known he would have started it, Drew was quick to resort to violence.

"I'm sorry you have to pay for our mistake" He said softly, making me turn my head, hes eyes filled with guilt and his lips pulled into a fierce frown. I noticed how when he frowned his temples wrinkled making him look older than he really was. Thats when his beat up appearance registered. He still had a black eye, his right cheek was swollen and he had dried blood stuck on his forehead.

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