Normal Day in Class

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Just siting her like always on a hard chair either sweating or freezing. But ya my class is pretty normal.I mean except for a lot of people. I look over and caity says wich ones bigger I just look away that shits weird.Then I hear Banna goin "Me me me ne" Sounding like a dying dolphin :). Now I'm in ela and my friend Aiden tells me to read a part in this book.Was pretty weird because at first I thought it said the owl was "raping" Like 4 fingers in or somethin.But I was releaved when it meant rapping.You know how you rap a present ye that kind. Then Aiden points at s picture on the cover on his book looks me in the eyes.(very serious).and says "He knee some milk man". I look over at aidens book again and it says" give him five nuts" . I move away slowly.Them Keelan tasess me and I make a sound like no other.It went "blepdosldkehdu" Then he said that was what sound your girl made in bed last knight XD."I see cam and banna looking at something on the computer and saying I can't go through with dos" Atleast that's wat I think dey said. I ask banna if she got anything funny to say and she said"home sexual" I was like wtf.Like Weird Turtle Farts. I m siting here typing this and a notification pops up saying a youtuber if subscribed to posted a vid called "coconut titties" I'm gonna watch later ;) XD. Hope u enjoyed my day in class cya

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