"It's Jack."

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Was she going to like me? I was eager to make a good impression outside of school, and I know that pretending to be someone you're not isn't a great idea, but with someone like me I think it was my best bet. You see, I don't think someone like Laura would have low expectations.. I was starting to get nervous about this. I wasn't sure what to expect as I didn't really know Laura that well in person. It just sucks because I know I'll end up screwing up. I was bound to end up doing something stupid and then for her to reject me. I had no idea that I'd get such a huge crush on this girl and I know for a fact that she doesn't feel the same way. How am I going to survive being alone with her. I can't, I'm going to make a move. I know I am. Maybe it's best to just pull out of it?

But just as I said that, my phone decided to ping. 

We decided to meet at Woodbury park, I decided that I didn't want to miss out on a chance to see her in the end. It was 1pm in the afternoon s we'd both slept in earlier - and I was sat on a damp park bench. I wasn't sure what to wear so I just decided to wear my Of Mice & Men band shirt, my ripped jeans, and a pair of combat boots; along with a shirt my dad had given me before he passed away.

"Hey, nice shirt." That must be Laura, "thankss" I replied with a grin and turned around to face her. I noticed how she wore the same style jeans, a different shirt- I'm pretty sure it was a Beartooth one, and a smoking hot leather jacket. Not to forget the leather biker boots of course. I cannot even describe to you how perfect she looked. Her walk was rather off today though. The only problem was that she had a boyfriend. He was a jerk, I saw at school how he looked at her with a sense of power over her and I hated the fact that he manipulated her like so. Maybe I should ask her about him? Just as I was thinking that, Laura came and sat next to me accidentally touching my thigh. "Sorry" I heard her say, she always seems to apologize for things which aren't her fault. 

"So, how's Jack?" I asked trying to make conversation, to which she just looked at me with eyes glazed over. She looked like she was about to cry. Without hesitation I suddenly felt her cling to me, her arms wrapping around my neck and her face burrowed into my neck. I think that she was sobbing, but why? Had something happened? I wrapped my arms around her and reassured her that it would be okay, but that just made her cry even more. She's told me about her struggles with her family before, so maybe it was that. Or maybe Jack was being a twat again, either way I needed to get it out of her. It was really fucking hard to see her that way. For comfort I grabbed her hand and as she got out of my neck, I looked at her. Her eyes were glazed over and tired, as if she hadn't slept in weeks, she looked hurt and lost, like she didn't know where she belonged. 

"It's Jack" she said, and at that moment I was about ready to punch him. I knew that he was a dick from when I first saw them together. "What's he done?" I asked. She just looked at me as if to say 'what do you think', and then looked away. 

I didn't know what to do, so we just sat there in silence for the next ten minutes. 

For the rest of the day I made her stay with me, we walked around the park and talked for hours and hours. I knew that she didn't want to go home from what she told me, so I suggested that she stayed round my house, maybe this way I'd be able to get her to talk to me about what was up.

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