Linguistic Drama...

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This has got to be super random but yea. I don't know if o told you all that I did German for like 3years yea that long... (anyone out there who does/did German or any other language)....

It was a crazy step since I'm the only one on the family who had done a third language .. yea I know I've just got to be different. Different is good tho. Plus I like different. And I've done Arabic gosh I'm not gonna lie its hard. All that Sarf and Nahw (arabic grammer) it really killed me.

Plus we had to read to the teachers gosh it was insane I almost died. That was in Arabic class with just women...

oh boi I didn't tell you my German class we were mixed :/ ... now I'm telling you my life was over and I mean over ..... I  mean like how can you read another language  in front of guys and not end up having a face looking like a TOMATO ......

And I'm not going to lie they were pretty good looking Masha'Allah but my eyes were literally on my keywords tryna read my German! .

Yea so that was my German adventures it was cool but also super embarrassing at the same time.

Ich leibe dich ( I love you) xxx

keep calm and stay away from awkward situations... well they follow me...

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