3. Unexpected

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Alixe woke and was relieved to feel no pain in her head or her left side, and then that peaceful pain free moment was gone and she started stressing and panicking again.

Where am I? She thought. She sat up, she had slept in this simple white bed, which had felt kind of hard but was certainly better than sleeping on the floor in whatever old building she felt safe to camp in back at the Aestates. The rest of the room was plain and simple like a mix of a hospital and a waiting room. She remembered those rooms from before 'The reduce'. The walls were a creamy off-white color and the floor was a warm colored sort of wood. The plain white drapes were closed, blocking some of the light from coming in.

She got out of bed hurried to the curtains and opened them, forest, all she could see was trees. She remembered the blonde guy with the brown eyes saying something about a forest, but she passed out soon after that and had trouble remembering the name. Where was the blonde guy anyway and where was Warden right now? Where did they go? Would they just leave her here? she wondered. She hastily walked to the door and opened it. She looked left and right through the hallway, but she saw no one and nothing accept doors to other rooms. The doors were made of the same color as the wooden floor in her room. Left or right? She asked herself. Right always seemed to be the better option, so she went right. She walked and walked past all the wooden doors, trying to orientate herself, but the hallway seemed to have no ending.

Until suddenly she started hearing voices, she started walking faster toward the voices that seemed to be coming from down stairs. To her amazement the hallway started to end and a big broad staircase met her at the end. The staircase was made of tree branches precisely shaped in arches. It was beautiful, you don't have time for 'beautiful' she thought to herself. She hurried down the stairs, practically ran but she didn't want to fall. When she got to the end of the stairs she saw Warden and the blonde young man sitting on a dark green velvet sofa in a very big living room. The living room had the same basics as the room she woke in, but the fireplace in the back wall and the furniture made it much more cosy. Two others sat on a brown couch across from Warden and the young blonde haired man. One of the two was a young red haired man with a freckled face and brown eyes, next to him sat a younger girl with the exact same features.

"Ah! You're awake", Warden said.

Alixe started to walk towards them. The red haired young man and girl turned to look in her direction. She looked at them and then faced Warden again.

"Yeah I'm awake! Where the hell am I!?", Alixe said. Still feeling panicked and stressed, having no idea how bad of trouble she had gotten herself into this time.

"Wow there, miss grumpy face, maybe try a nicer approach?" Jax said.

She might have laughed at that comment if she wasn't this freaked out.

"Maybe you should try to talk less Jax'', Warden said calmly, like he was used to him making these sorts of comments.

The name was fitting she thought, he looked like a Jax, tough and simple but kind off handsome with the deep brown eyes and the careless look he had about him. Looking at him just made her forget a bit about here crisis for a second. No focus, she said to herself in her mind. Where is she, that's the priority.

"But where am..." Alixe tried to say.

"You're in the Teada temple" Warden interrupted.

" You don't understand", she said breathing faster, I've never heard of the Taeda temple in my life or the Taedaran forest for that matter." She remembered the name now. She started explaining more to herself than to the others, "I was chased and then trapped in a closet, I panicked so I punched, kicked and slammed the door, then I saw a white flash and started falling which felt super weird. After that I woke seeing you two, she made a gesture at Warden and Jax.

"She's an earthling" , the red haired young man spat out while he stood up from the couch.

She looked at his freckle covered face, and the angry look he gave her. Earthling? She taught, she wasn't even on earth anymore ?

"What", Alixe breathed, "What do you mean!? Warden, please tell me where I am"

"You're in Vhytera, and since you caught my name, I'd like to know yours" Warden replied still calmly.

Vhytera ? she never heard of Vhytera never heard of Teada never heard of anything here and how could this man be so calm? Alixe thought.

"My name is Alixe'', she said. "What or where is Vhytera ?" she asked looking worried from Warden to Jax.

"Don't you dare answer another question 'half breed', the red haired young men spoke angrily. "You know what she is."

Warden responded to the treat with a frown, but calmly stood up from the sofa. Looking ready to defend himself if needed.

"Iviq! Please mind your tone, the younger red haired girl said. "I've had enough of the word 'half breed' and you cannot be sure if she's an earthling."

Alixe looked at the young girl, she was fierce standing up, to the young man who is probably her brother, like that. He seemed to listen to her like she was the older one of the two.

"Yeah, you might consider calming down Iviq'', Jax said standing up from the sofa. Giving Iviq a warning look.

"Not sure if I'm an Earthling!? I'm pretty sure I've lived on earth all my life, so can somebody please explain what is going on?" Alixe cut in, not wanting anyone to start a fight.

"You've never seen that white flash of light in your life, am I right?" Jax asked looking at her.

"Yes" she said, "I've never seen it, but wha...,

"And you never felt anything like that fall you made?" Jax interrupted sharing a look with Warden then Iviq and the fierce young red haired girl.

" No, never, I've never felt anything like it" Alixe replied.

Jax just looked at her, he looked straight into her eyes, she stared right back and said "Please just tell me"

"Vhytera is a dimension located within earth, because it's a dimension we have sunlight and other things like that, but to come here you have to be on earth first" Jax answered. There are two ways you could have ended up down here in Vhytera. The first one is very unlikely since you obviously don't know how to 'portal travel' right?" Jax asked.

"Portals exist?" she whispered.

" The second option is probably going to shock you, so you should sit down" Jax said.

She went and sat next to where Warden just sat. Shock me? She taught, so the fact that portals and other dimensions exist wasn't shocking?

"Vhyterians are born with the ability to 'portal travel', earthlings need to be taught and most of the time they still won't succeed at 'portal traveling' or finding a portal in the first place. You were probably unconsciously drawn to the portal and when you panicked to get out of that closet you 'travelled'. Jax explained.

Her head was exploding with thoughts and questions, all Alixe could get out was "So this means..."

"Yes, Alixe, you are from here, you are from Vhytera" Jax said silently.


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