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Here is a picture of Clare's wolf.

Clare's P.O.V."Can I go sit down my feet hurt?" I ask Peter. We have been in the kitchen for the past ten minutes and I haven't been aloud to sit once."If they hurt that bad you can cling onto me. I won't mind." He said not looking at me."No thanks I'm good." I say walking away from him. "Dammit." I say under my breathe as the pain starts."Aww baby girl come here." Peter says holding out his arms for me to run into I don't even care that he called me baby girl right now. "Better?" He asks encircling me in them."Yes." I say into his chest."Here." He says lifting me up as my legs automatically rap around his waist."Thanks so what's for breakfast?" I ask as he moves me to his hip but keeps one arm around my waist."Fried veggies." He says going back to cooking."You remembered that from clear back in high school." I say surprised."Yes and then once we get done with breakfast we will do what ever you want today except go for a run.""Wait if to day is all my choosing then can I have beacon with my veggies and none of that tofu stuff please?" I ask with my head on his shoulder."No way the vegetarian famous Clare Clams wants real meat.""Yes and how did you know I was famous?""Baby girl this town my be small but we're not cut off from the world." He says heading to the pantry."Why are you going to the pantry the beacons in the fridge." I tell him trying to get him to go back."Babe there is a fridge in here see." He said heading for the back of the pantry. He opens the door to reveal a shelf full of meat and reaches in and pulls out a package of beacon. "So baby do you want to hold that as we go back to the kitchen.""Give me, give me, give me." I say holding my hands out for it. Peter just laughs and hands me the meat and we go back so he can finish making breakfast for us."Hey Peter today if I wanted to ask questions could I?""Yes and I would have to answer them." He says putting the meat on a frying pan."Can you tell me everything about what's going on with me and why I'm in pain when your not around?""Yes, but after breakfast and we are comfortable I will along with anything else that you want cleared up. Okay?""Okay."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Peter's P.O.V.I guess I have to tell her now I mean she will start to know I'm pushing it off."Clare baby girl do you still want to know?" I ask looking down at her. Right now we are sitting on the couch in the living room."Yes Peter I want to know what I'm in for." She says looking up at me."Okay then where do I start.""From the beginning I don't want anything left out.""Alright. Well I was born knowing about this life and my parents were the alpha and Luna of this pack. I grew up learning the ways of a great alpha. An alpha that puts his mate and pack before his life and respects other packs and their alpha as he would want for himself and his pack. Anyways the night of the graduation party I was told about the arrangement. I was planing on going and hoping you would be there that way you knew about it also and as long as I did but I found my alpha voice. And when a next in line alpha finds their alpha voice then they can't go anywhere until they get it under control. I was mad that I couldn't go then because I found out that you were going to be there at that same time." I look at Clare and she nods her head for me to continue. "I was told that the only way out of this marriage was if I found my mate before the wedding day. Well a werewolf can't start looking for his mate until their twenty-first birthday for that is when we are ready to have a mate. We know we found our mate just by touching, looking, their voice and by the way our mate smells. Clare I found my mate yesterday and she got hurt last night.""Okay so let me get this straight your a werewolf, and an alpha at that.""Yes now can I finish please?" She nods her head yes. "Okay. Well there are also wolfs that don't belong to a pack their called rogues and you were attacked bye one last night. That wolf ended up changing you. Clare when someone is going through the change then their mate has to be by their side in order for them not to be in pain. Baby your turning into a werewolf and we call the females a she-wolf. Clare I need you to tell me when your in pain and I'm holding you okay. For your about to turn into your wolf then and you need to be outside when you do.""I'm what! Okay let me get this straight I'm turning into a werewolf and your also one. But you found your mate, yet your here with me when your mate is also hurt. Why not just go be with her I'll be fine with the pain.""Clare don't you get it, your my mate I knew long before I saw, smelled, or even touched you.""How and what dose mate mean anyway.""Every alpha can sense their mate long before they see them. And mate is short for soulmate and their is a matting process that every couple has to go through.""Okay and what is that?""It's a three step process. The first one is where both have to except the other as their mate.""Did you except me as your mate?""Yeah I did and I won't change my mind.""Well good because I thought you were cute in high school but now I think your hot ever sense I stepped out of that care.""Really now.""Yes now next step."I sigh, "The next step is I have to mark you right between your shoulder and your neck, here," I say touching the curve on her neck. "You have to do the same with me we'll get a mate link then and a link is were you can talk to someone who has or shares that link with you. There are two mind links a pack link and a mate link.""Okay and the last one?" She asked sitting up a bit."The last one you might not like." I say looking away from her."Just tell me." She said making me look at her."The last step happen after I mark you.""Peter just tell me alright.""Alright well within a week after I mark you you will go into heat and be all over me during the day and at night screaming my name from all the pain you will be in at night. It will go on like that every month until we finish the matting process.""Well that's good to know but promise me you won't let m go through that will you?" She said looking like she might cry."No baby I won't are you kidding I'll stop it the minute it starts and I know that your in heat.""Good."I smile and go to kiss her on the lips but the minute mine meet hers she pulls away. "Baby girl what's wrong?""You remember when you told me that if I was in pain and you were holding me to let you know?""Yea what about it?""Peter I'm like that now.""Oh god baby I have to get you outside before you shift okay.""Okay." She says between gritted teeth and I pick her up and head for the door.As soon as I put her on the lawn she lets out a blood curtailing scream and I know that I have to shift between the second and third one like that.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clare's P.O.V.Pain that's all I feel, like I'm dying in a fire, pain. I know that Peter is somewhere near me, but I don't know where. All I know is I've been screaming for the past two maybe three minutes. I'm afraid to open my eyes to know weather or not I survived the change.'Baby open your eyes please.' Peter's voice come to my head. 'Baby girl open your eyes and then I'll let you know what's going on.'I open my eyes to see a beautiful black wolf standing in front of me.'Hi babe, I guess your wondering how you can hear me in your head huh?' I nod my head yes. 'Well it's the mind link and all you have to do is think of the person you want to talk to then of what you want to say.' He tells me.I think of Peter then said okay.'That's great baby, now do you want to try it on someone else?''Can I?''Of course baby girl who do you want to mess with?'I thought about it for a minute. 'Joe your high school buddy.''Alright go for it I'm not going to tell him anything.' He says sounding like he is holding back laughter.'Okay.' I start to think about Joe. 'Hey dummy you should come over and hang out with me an Peter or are you hitting on girls somewhere in a bar?''Who are you and how do you know that I haven't found my mate already?' He asks like he will take my head off.'Who do you think because I don't have time for this. Just like in high school when you were being a jerk.''Clare?''The one and only.' I say with a wolfish smirk.'I take it you completed the change.''Yup so you coming over I'm in the mood for a steak.''No thanks I got a date with my girl.''Fine more for me.' I think back to Peter. 'Hey Peter how do I get back to my human form?''Easy baby girl just think of what you look like as a human and you can put on my shirt I won't look until you tell me to.' He says covering up his eyes with his paws.'Okay.' I do as he says. "I'm changed." I tell him.'Great now if you want to see me with no cloths on keep looking.'"Eww no way." I turn around and a few seconds later I feel arms go around my wait."Hey baby girl you want some food?""Yes please and you better have your pants on or your not going to like me.""There on so come on let's go inside for lunch." He says starting to pull away."Carry me?" I ask, he just laughs and pick me up so I'm on his hip with my legs around his waist and my head on his shoulder. We head inside for food and maybe if I'm lucky he will let me curl up and sleep on him while we watch a movie.

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